The Invasion II

The soldiers screamed out like this as they all started to run away from the orb. Those that were far enough were lucky enough to get away without having all their mana drained, but the unlucky ones that were close to the orb ended up having all the mana inside them drained as they shriveled up like paper!

Mana is the most important element in this world. Even more than oxygen or water. Once all the mana inside an organism is gone, then that organism cannot survive. It will simply die! None of the humans here were able to survive once their mana was taken out of them! Even the A-class and S-Class warriors turned and ran once they saw what that orb was doing to the weaker soldiers all around it! They wouldn't dare go close to that thing! They came here to fight demons, but that doesn't mean they want to lose their life before they can even start!