The Invasion VII - Gravity Falls

Pyra couldn't even see the trick that Levi was using to attack her! She could only see that he was stabbing the air with his sword and then she would get an injury immediately! She was sure she was dodging the attacks and it was still touching her! Pyra thought about it for a while and realized that the skill that Levi was using was a skill that sends out very thin jets of water from the tip of his sword. The amount of water was so small and so many that no one can dodge it completely. Even blocking was not possible unless you had a full-body shield!

Pyra was able to decipher all of this in no time, but she wasn't sure what she could do against this sort of skill! She immediately activated her [Healing] skill and the major wounds on her body started to close up. She didn't want to risk using too much mana here to heal herself so she is only going to close the major wounds and leave the minor ones for after the fight.