Did The Thought Of My Life Ever Cross Your Mind?

(A/N: There is a rape scene detailed in this chapter. Don't like, don't read - although you'll miss out on some premium torture. I just thought I needed to state this out)

"How pitiful. Is this really the limit of the great queen Priscilla?"

Priscilla could feel the fear of the lord surge through her entire being once she heard that voice! She turned around immediately and she was met with the face of Floid as he stood above her imposingly. He still had that same smile on his face and Priscilla wanted to whimper in fear, but she wouldn't do that! She still had her pride! She would never allow Floid to know that she was this scared of him!

Priscilla thought like this, but the way her hands were shaking and she was constantly moving backward away from Floid betrayed her and made Floid know that Priscilla was fucking terrified!