How To Defend Your Territory.

In the underwater mermaid kingdom, there was another matter that needed to be dealt with as soon as possible. The recent problem that the mermaids reported to the demon lord about their conflict with the lizardmen over their territory was suddenly escalating.

The mermaids were a very territorial race. They were actually one of the most territorial races of demons in Rivalle. The only other race that was more territorial than them were the goblins that enjoyed hiding deep in the jungle. The mermaids have always been in passive conflict with the lizardmen. It was not news to anyone that the lizardmen did not like the mermaids and the mermaids hated the lizardmen!

Both the mermaids and lizardmen were aquatic demons that needed water to survive. The lizardmen could survive both on land and in water but they were mainly aquatic animals and they stayed in the water more than they stayed on land.