Travelling To Volcanica.

Dray narrowed his eyes as he watched a portal opening in front of the group of five. Deay was standing in the courtyard outside the church with Elias, Givalich, Ria, and another member of the church named Terin. Terin was one of the best portal creators in the church and he is also one of the only members of the church that has been to volcanica before.

Elias would have created the portal for them to get to Volcanica but Elias told the group that he only has a portal that lead straight into what is now a volcano. it used to just be a regular mountain and it didn't use to be a volcano two hundred years ago, but ever since the fight between the dragons and the former demon lord, magma wouldn't stop leaking from the earth below the mountain and it changed the entire landscape into a volcano.