How To Deal With Internal Conflict

Pyra nodded her head as she watched the demon lord leave the room and once he was gone, Pyra released a small breath that she was holding. Quinn was too busy healing herself with a frown on her face and Quinn didn't even hear Pyra sigh.

Quinn was trying to understand what Floid meant by what he said. Did he expect her to succeed because she is his blood or did he expect her to fail even though she is his blood? That cryptic bastard. Just talk normally for once in your fucking life.

Pyra suddenly spoke up from in front of Quinn.

"Leave it, we shall return to training,"

Quinn looked up in shock! Didn't Pyra say they were done for today!? Why are they going back!? Pyra noticed the shock on Quinn's face and she ignored it as she returned the sword that Floid used back to its place on the wall. The demon lord told her to teach Quinn how to move and that is what Pyra would do. It didn't matter if Quinn was injured or not.