Search for Yule

As Rosavellt spoke, she could feel more and more pressure settling in her from Floid's annoyance, and she had to use more and more effort to make sure she didn't look down. She couldn't even look Floid in the eye, so she just stared ahead with a blank look and waited for what her master would say to her.

Floid was pissed at that moment, and he was one moment away from telling both Dragonnel and Pyra to come back here immediately so he could punish them, but he held himself back and decided against it. There would be no sense in telling them to come back after they already went so far.

But there was no way Floid could quell his anger at what Dragonnek dld. Floid didn't know how strong the nun that escaped from Pyra was, but Floid knew that Dragonnel was strong enough to have handled Givalich if he was fighting to kill her. Was Dragonnel really going to place his sister over my instructions to him?