Conquering The Labyrinth 1

It had been a month since he had come to Ingrassia and became a teacher at he Freedom Academy, and Rimuru was beginning to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. Though he had searched in every library in Ingrassia, which were some of the largest in the world, he did not find much on the issue the summoned children were facing. He guessed it there was, Shizu or someone else would have found it by now and it would't be an issue by now. Fortunately, he had gotten a general idea of what he needed to do, thanks to some simple deduction

-'Alright, everyone take a break!' he shouted to the kids, who were busy sparing with each other. They were currently outside the city limits, where he had instructed them to do some mock battles in the hope that it would expend some of their unused energy; it didn't seem to be doing much- if anything- but at least he hoped it kept them occupied and not dwell on their situation to much.

-'Woo hoo! Food!' shouted Ken as he rushed ahead of the group to where he set up a picknic

-'Hey, no fair Ken!' shouted Alice after him. The group quickly- and loudly- made their way to where he was and began digging in with little manners. He shook his head with a fond smile, remembering someone else who did much the same...

-'Ah, hey Teach, what's with that weird smile?' Alice asked with a skeptical look'

-'Ha ha, nothing nothing.' he said as he sat down 'You lot just made me remember someone...' he said a bit sadder

-...'what dose...' Alice wanted to say something more but Gail quickly interrupted

-'Alice, it isn't nice to pry into other people's busyness.' he scolded and looked at Rimuru 'sorry, she doesn't know when to stop..'

He just laughed it off, however, and said 'No, it's fine. I should be focused here anyways...' he said as he began eating. The other kids exchanged glances, looking like they decided to ask about it later. He mentally sighed, but was kinda happy too. He knew he was close to figuring it out.

A week prior, after exhausting the libraries in both the Freedom Academy and the Guild Headquarters, he decided to try his luck and go out on a hunch. For that, he wanted to brainstorm with his advisors back in Tempest; fortunately, going back proved much easier thanks to Vesta and his teleportation circles. Rimuru had learned how to set them up himself, and while a trip from Lune and Tempest would take a lot of energy, he had plenty. The journey was instantaneous too, so it was well worth it. Of course, he had to set up a temporary circle outside the city, otherwise the magical barrier would immediately detect it's activation and he would be busted. But still, it was leagues better than a week of travel by carriage (or day at best by flight; thanks to finally assimilating Charybdis fully, he was capable of much faster flying speeds, but that would be a: less energy efficient and not as quick and b: might get him into trouble as he flew over human lands.).

In Tempest, he gathered everyone who was close to him and presented some souvenirs (mainly sweets from the world-renown bakers of Lune) and explained to them his predicament. Many were understandably shocked, with some (Rigurd) openly crying at their plight. However, thanks to Treyni being there, he did manage to confirm his hypothesis: the way to save them involved mimicking Shizu, who had been fused with the higher spirit Ifrit. As Treyni explained, spirits were highly adapt at controlling energy like the one going amok in the children's bodies, but there was a big problem: only higher level spirits, or higher elementals, would be good enough for the level they had. The only sure way to have a chance of acquiring some was through the Queen of Spirits. Even assuming the higher spirits wanted to help, no one, even the dryads who were once the servants of the previous Queen, knew where the current one was located.

Thus he returned to Lune with a firm idea in mind: find some higher elementals, at any cost. He searched the books he read again but didn't find anything solid. In the meantime, he had to keep the kids occupied, hence their current picnic.

They spent some more time talking about various things when suddenly a screech echoed through the land. Looking up into the sky, he saw a demonic looking dragon soaring straight towards the city. He quickly calmed the kids down when he saw them panicking; the dragon, he knew, had no chance of penetrating the city barrier...but the people outside the city were another thing. Near the gate entrance, he could see a long line of travelers and merchants still in customs. They would be sitting ducks to the monster, and so he decided to quickly take actions

-'Stay here.' he told the kids 'I need to do something.'

-'Are you crazy?!' Alice shouted 'You can't take on something like that! Look how big it is!' the other kids looked equally unconvinced. He smiled softly at them

-'Don't underestimate your teacher!' he said as he began taking a different form; it wouldn't do for some in the city to recognize him, after all. The kids looked on in awe, but he didn't have time to enjoy their admiration 'Ranga...' the Tempest Wolf quickly jumped out of his shadow 'Look after them.' he said, not bothering to listen to a confirmation as he flew off on two large wings.

The dragon was fairly high level- and arch dragon, in fact, almost on the same playing field as Charybdis- but thanks to Gluttony he wasn't much of an issue; in fact, he had to laugh at how quickly he resolved it. The people were safe, but more importantly he met someone when he killed the dragon.

His name was Gard Mjollmile.

Gard Mjollmile was a famous and well connected merchant, famous (or infamous) through much of the western nations; he was also the owner of several shops and was even known as a money lender that even nobles would be wary of. When in Blumund, Rimuru had set up a good deal to have his potions set up in the market, but he needed a good, reputable merchant for that. Minister Velyard and Fuze immediately recommended Mjollmil; Rimuru trusted their judgement and had them contact the man, who was given special permission to purchase potions in Tempest at a premium and sell them himself. They both would make money and news would spread about their quality potions. As luck had it- or misfortune, some would say- Mjollmile was now in Ingressia to sell the very same potions; he nearly got eaten by the dragon when Rimuru saved him. When he saw the potions, he quickly deduced who the person was.

Later, Rimuru and the kids had been invited by Mjollmile to attend diner at a famous restaurant (which he had bought for the night just for them) as gratitude for saving his life. While the kids enjoyed the quality food- and later busy reading the manga he had made for them- Rimuru and Mjollmile were busy discussing busyness. The man was shameless about being a merchant, but had more than a good heart and was an expert at what he did; the two quickly struck a friendly relationship and agreed to some new trade deals.

The real surprise came when he met one of the hostesses at the bar: an elf woman whom he recognize from the 'gentleman establishment' he had visited in Dwargon. After talking for a bit, he learned the woman was a traveller who originated from Ulgrasia, a small nation far in the south, past the elf nation of Thalion (or rather the Sorcerer Dynasty of Thalion). The interesting pit came from what the people there were known for: worshiping and bonding with spirits. When he asked about the Spirit Queen, she informed him that she lived in a place called the Dwelling of Spirits, the entrance to which could move around at the Queen's will...and was currently in Ulgrasia.

Well, he most certainly had a destination in mind now...

Some time later, Republic of Ulgrasia

Getting into Ulgrasia was fairly easy, as the borders were largely open to travelers, but getting to the entrance of the Dwelling was less than easy, as it was in a heavily forested region. First, he went there alone, as quickly as he could; once he found the place, he set up a transportation circle to make things easier for the kids. Then he got back and prepared them for a journey.

The entrance was a large, engraved door that looked like it had been carved into a massive tree.

-'Whoa, cool.' Ryota said awed, as they stood in front of the thing

-'Kinda scary...' Chloe said as she clung to his shirt on one side, while Alice was on the other.

-'No worries. I'm here.' he told them 'This is it, guys. Our chance to make you better. Come on...' he steped forward and heaved the great doors open, then stepped inside with confidence. They also called this place the Labyrinth, but it was actually just a really massive corridor with columns running on either sides. And it was dark, illuminated only by lamps that didn't chase the darkness away for more than a few meters away. He made his own light source anyways.

As they moved further in, he realized that they must have been walking for at least an hour. He stopped, enhancing his magical sense, but didn't see anything but more corridor ahead.

'He he he, so you noticed, huh?' a voice rang out, sounding as if it came from inside his head; looking to the startled kids, he realized they too heard it 'Yes, be afraid! Ha ha ha! That's great!'

The voice continued to taunt them, but when he didn't show signs of fear- instead he increased his aura output- the voice seemed displeased 'Ah, c'mon! If you're not gonna be scared, then be dead! Ha ha ha!'

At that, a massive golem like thing came out of the darkness, taking a stance in front of them 'He he, if you can beat this, I'll be gracious and let you leave alive!' the voice said.

-'Just beat this, huh?' he said as he took a step forward, drawing his sword 'Fine by me...' and lunged at it with a heavy swing. While the golem evaded, it didn't matter in the long run. Rimuru enhanced his sword with his aura, increasing it's sharpness and durability several folds. One strike would be enough, and it didn't take long for him to defeat it. He was faster and managed to land a clear diagonal cut; the thing crumbled into pieces instantly. He could hear the panic in the voices as he landed.

Without sheeting his blade, he turned to one of the columns 'I know where you are, so if you don't want to be next, get out.' he coldly said; he knew roughly the direction, but not exactly where, but it didn't matter. A small figure, a small, pixie or fairy girl, quickly emerged from the shadows, sweating bullets

-'Yes, YES!' it shouted in a high pitch voice 'I am here, please don't hurt me!' she said as she saluted him

-'A fairy?' he heard one of the kids say 'It's kinda cute!' Alice said.

The fairy in question began scratching its head, looking sheepishly at them 'He he, Hello...I am the grea-ack!' she shouted in pain 'Did she bit her tongue?' Rimuru asked himself 'I guess they must be used to talking telepathically'

-'Do you great all your guests with violence?' he asked, but she looked kinda insulted

-'Ha, says the HOME INVADER!' she shouted loud enough to make some of the kids cover they ears. He released some of his aura to make her back off; she instantly did

-'So who the heck are you?' he asked. She took a haughty look, one that really irked him for some reason

-'I am one of the Ten Great Demon Lords, Ramiris of the Labyrinth! Now kneel before me!' Rimuru- or the kids for that matter- were not impressed 'A demon lord? This puny little thing?' was what they all though. 'Hey, you were thinking something rude, weren't you?!' the 'Demon Lord' shouted indignant

-'Well, yeah. Try to sell a better lie next time.' he told her exasperated 'Listen, as it happens I am close with an actual Demon Lord. Her name is Milim and...' he stopped himself from saying something he didn't want yet to get out. He noticed that the kids shot him a look of concern, but he decided to continue with something else 'you being a Demon Lord like her is just absurd.'

Hearing that, Ramiris lost it. Her face twisted into a grimace and her eyes twitched 'eh..AAAAA!' she shouted and pointed at him as if hit by some realization 'You! Are you that slime that supposedly started a nation of monsters in the Jura Forest?! That Rimuru?!' he just nodded. She got worse 'Arrgg, NOO! Dammit! Damn that Milim! She shows up here for the first time in ages, bragging about her new 'friends' in Tempest or whatever and i just CHASED HER AWAY, LAUGHING AT HER! I'll never hear the end of it now!' she grabbed and pulled at her hair before turning to him and screaming at the top of her voice 'STUPID!' over and over again until he had enough. He swatted her like a bug.

After a while, they were all seated around in a circle, several fairies swarming around them much to the kid's delight. Ramiris had finally called down; he had made some tea and presented some food to them to keep things from escalating.

-'Listen, that Milim is on a league of her own even among the Demon Lords.' she explained while munching on a cookie 'We're nothing alike; she's the brute of the group, while I...' she again took on a haughty look 'I am the beautiful and intelligent o...hey!' she screamed as she barley avoided his hands 'What's the big idea?!'

-'Ah, sorry, but when I saw your smug face I could't help myself.' he also wasn't very happy with this annoying insect calling his girlfriend a brute, but he kept that to himself.

-'Listen you, you can't treat a QUEEN like that, you hear me?!' she said

-'Queen?' he asked, then added 'Wait, are YOU the Queen of Spirits? I find that hard to believe...' he said with a deadpan face

-'Ah, yes, yes I AM!' she protested

-'How can a Demon Lord become the Queen of Spirits?'

-'Ah, no no, you got it backwards!' Ramiris quickly interjected 'I was the Queen of Spirits first! Then things...happened...and I fell from grace.' she said with a weird look on her face 'But I am still the Queen of Spirits. Always have, always will be.'

-'Wait, always have...' he said with some realization 'so you're the same Queen the dryads of the Jura Forest served?'

-'Ah, yeah, the dryads!' she quickly replied 'I remember them! That was centuries ago, before the Storm Dragon was sealed! He he, they were such cute little spirits back then! Especially that Treyni' she giggled

Hearing that she knew Treyni, Rimuru realized that the pixie- though annoying- was telling the truth. He did wanted to ask more- like what the 'thing' was that caused her to fall from grace- but decided to move on with the reason they were there. He spent the next few minutes explaining the kid's situation and his own theories (and how he arrived at them). After listening, Ramiris remained silent, with an aura or seriousness that he though didn't really match her personality but would surely match a Queen of Spirits

-'Hmm, I see.. yes, I heard about these kind of things.' she said as she flew over the kids, looking down at them with kind eyes 'Alright, I'll help ya out!' she exclaimed

-'You will?' 'Really?!' 'Woohoo!' the kids all began shouting

-'Yeah, of course! It's my duty, after all, as the Queen of Spirits to guide heroes and champions!'