A sense of festivities engulfed the city of Tempest, although Rimuru decided to hold off the actual celebration until all the problems could be settled. The most immediate of which were the refugees from Eurazania fleeing from Milim's wrath. Speaking of Milim, when he awoke, Rimuru discovered that he had been unconscious for three days; the day before he woke up, the timetable Milim gave Carrion expired and the capital of Eurazania was wiped off the map. With several thousands of refuges not far away, Tempest was fast at work setting up the lodges to hold them all; thankfully, food did not seem to be an issue. Not long after waking up, Albis, Phobio and Supia of the Three Beastketeers arrived ahead of the refugees and they discussed what they would need to hosts the beastmen; fortunately, Carrion had given them clear instructions to obey Rimuru, not cause any trouble and assist Tempest in any way they could. Phobio, who had stayed behind to witness the battle between the two Demon Lords, retold what he could of the battle. Rimury tried very hard to restrain himself during his account.
Despite all this, the people of Tempest seemed joyful, and though not a full on festival the day of his awakening turned into a city wide party. Somehow, Rimuru had found himself in a delicate predicament. Namely, he was once again forced to endure Shion's 'cooking'. It was all Benimaru's fault, the bastard; before leaving to deal with Falmuth, he had asked the ogre to dispose of him should he return too different from how he was. To that end, they made up a password, which was that Benimaru would ask 'how is Shion's cooking' and Rimuru had to answer 'absolutely disgusting'. Naturally, they were immediately caught by the ogress in question when they tried it; and thus, he was in his current position, staring at what by absolutely no one's standard could ever be called food; even describing it was beyond human capability. However, he did manage to drag Benimaru along as punishment, so there was that.
One bite was all it took; even though it tasted like good food, somehow (Shion had apparently gained a special skill that made anything she cooked taste good, as part his ascension to true Demon Lord) but the texture and everything else made him sick; how a Demon Lord be sick from just some food, even Raphael had no answer.
Speaking of Raphael, it seemed Great Sage had evolved into the Ultimate Skill Wisdom Lord Raphael. He wasn't sure how that happened, but it (she; he decided to call it she) definitely was an improvement.
'Wait, are you...talking more fluently?' he had asked the skill when first awakening (incidentally, he asked how to escape Shion's cooking; it was her idea to drag Benimaru along)
'No, it's just your imagination' she replied. Well, she said it so he decided to ignore it for now.
What he could not ignore were the many worries still in his heart. Excusing himself from the party and leaving behind an unconscious, food poisoned Benimaru, he went outside of town to think for a bit. Before he realized it, he made it beneath the tree...that three where he talked with Shizu...and later Milim. He still wanted to leave and find her but could not. There were still many things to do, and he wasn't even sure she wanted to see him...perhaps she left because she got bored of him and didn't want to say it? Or maybe she senses something bad was coming and tried to deal with it in her own way. He just wasn't sure, and it drove him crazy...
His inner storm was interrupter when he sense an unfamiliar presence approaching from behind. When he turned around, he saw what looked like a demon with black eyes and black hair with a single red streak running through. The demon approached and bowed low
-'My liege, I offer you my sincerest congratulation on your ascension to Demon Lord.' he said in a soft, sophisticated voice. Rimuru had to search his memories for a second before he gave up
-'Sorry...who're you?' he asked. Hearing that, the demon looked like he had been stabbed through the heart
-'W..why you jest!' the demon said, sounding like he was fighting back tears, all traces of sophistication gone 'I am a demon..who's heart you wounded most grievously!' he said, dramatically clutching at his chest
'Okaaay, who's this weirdo?' he wondered.
-'Master...' Ranga said poking out of his shadow 'this is one of the demons you summoned at the Falmuth camp!' the wolf helpfully informed
-'Oh, faithful Ranga!' the demon beamed. Rimuru tried to recall and this time he remembered
-Oh, that guy!' he said 'Yeeaah...sorry about forgetting, I was not in a good state of mind.' he told him sincerely. With a smile, he then said 'Well, thanks for the help! Goodbye!' and turned to leave, but was stopped; he could swear he heard something break...he looked at the demon, who really was about to cry. 'What the hell?!' 'Oh god, I'm sorry!' he frantically waved his arms 'Ah, did I not give you a good enough reward?'
-'That is not it!' the demon said as he dropped to one knee 'As I requested when you summoned me, I ask that I be allowed to serve you from now on!' he said
'Ah, right, I remember he said something like that...this guy is quite powerful though, I can feel it. Even the other guys...wait...' he realized some demons were missing 'were are the other two?' he though. Raphael deemed to answer
Answer: they were consumed to provide the needed energy for the resurrection ritual
'Excuse me?!' he shouted at Raphael, but she was quite. 'Ah, so now he's all alone and stuff...it would be just cruel to send him away...'
-'Well, alright then, welcome aboard.' he said to the demon, who immediately looked like he was in heaven 'don't expect to be payed or anything though...' he told him
-'Serving you is payment enough, my master!' the demon beamed. At that time, Rimuru realized that just calling him 'demon' was a pain
-'Hey, you have a name?' he asked
-'No, my Lord; I am but a humble, nameless demon.' he answered. He though for a bit what to name him, and arrived at a name: Diablo. Somewhat cliche, but he had always been a sucker for those
-'Then in lieu of payment, I shall give you a name! From now on, you shall be called 'Diablo'! Serve me well!' he told the demon, who had a look of pure, almost childlike amazement. However, Rimuru quickly realized he may have made a mistake when nearly half of his magicules were taken by the naming. 'Ah crap...' he though as he looked at Diablo, who was enveloped in a pitch black cocoon of energy 'With how much my energy reserves increased, I may have created a total monster...' he looked on at the cocoon with a sense of uneasiness. A few moments later, the evolved demon emerged from the cocoon, looking mostly the same...except he was wearing a butler uniform 'Okay...' he no longer questioned anything.
-'My master...' the demon butler Diablo said with a bow 'I will honor and serve you faithfully for as long as I exist!'
-'Yeah...thanks...' he told him. Deciding the situation had been resolved mostly satisfactory, he turned around and sighed, looking off into the distance. Both Diablo and Ranga remained nearby, watching him in respectful silence as he continued to contemplate.
After a while, Diablo decided to break the silence 'My Lord...' he said with concern in his voice 'Are you concerned with something? Please, if I may assist in even the tinniest way...' Rimuru cast a curious glance at the demon; he seemed sincere and trustworthy enough, so on a whim decided to fill him in.
-'Ah, I got a crap ton of things that concern me...' he said exasperated 'Falmuth is still out there, along with the Holy Church. Demon Lord Clayman may still be plotting. We have a wave of refugees from Eurazania to deal with and...something else...' he finished with a sad look in his eyes '...more...personal.' he said.
-'Master, is it about Lady Milim?' Ranga asked; Rimuru looked at him, surprised that he would bring it up.
-'Demon Lord Milim?' Diablo asked with alarm 'Where dose she fit into your problems, my Lord?'
Rimuru was about to say she destroyed Eurazania, but Ranga seemed to have other ideas
-'Why, Lady Milim is Lord Rimuru's chosen mate, of course!' the wolf cheerfully informed the demon. Rimuru could feel his face heat up; he was sure that if he had blood, every drop of it would have gone to his face. Diablo had a confused look as Rimuru protested
-'Ho...hold up Ranga!' Rimuru shouted in a panic 'Don't...don't call her my 'mate', that's weird!' unfortunately, the wolf did not seem to get the point
-'Oh, my apologies. 'Girlfriend' was the human term, was it not?' Ranga innocently asked, oblivious of his master's state
-'Aaaaaaaaa...' Rimuru wanted to say something, anything, but his mind stopped working properly; he hid his face with his hands, avoiding any eye contact.