Elalude looked over at him as he contemplated something 'You really should be more careful. Do you know how other nations will view you of they find out what happened? War or not, a Demon Lord wiping out an army of 20,000 will be viewed as little more than evil. Most people will not know your circumstances and judge you accordingly.'
Rimuru contemplated his words. It was entirely true, and he would not expect anyone to look favorably at him; he certainly would not, if he had still been human. He looked over at Elalude and asked 'What about Thalion? What's your stance?'
The archduke looked like he was expecting that question and blew a sigh 'It's hard to answer right now, but...well, our position is tricky. Elen was the one who prompted you to become a Demon Lord, didn't she?' it wasn't a question 'She told you that story, about the Dragon Princess, didn't she? In that case, if word got out that a high ranking noble from Thalion was involved in the birth of a new Demon lord...we would be in a very precarious position.' Rimuru understood exactly what he was saying. He wanted to say something, but Gazel spoke first
-'No, the truth will never get out.' he said firmly. Under Rimuru's curious gaze, he continued 'All the corpses of Falmuth's army are gone, are they not? Then, there is no actual evidence left at all...'
Rimuru looked at his senior disciple in wonder. It was true, as he had offered the corpses as an offering to summon Diablo and his attendant demons. There was, in fact, nothing left but an empty camp. 'Yes, it's true.' he told the dwarf 'So, then, what kind of narrative do you have in mind?' he asked with determination. Gazel looked at him in appreciation.
-'Good. You have found the fortitude to embrace both good and evil; a king must hold no regrets.' he told him and placed a hand on his shoulder and told him his plan.
A few minutes later, the meeting was underway. Rimuru and his councilors were present, as were Gazel and his people, Elalude (plus Eren), the Three Beastketeers and Fuze (who looked ready to pass out from the stress), Yohm, Mjulan and Grucius. Veldora was also there as an honorary advisors, though he was preoccupied with reading some manga; lastly, Treyni the dryad had also appeared, much to the shock of the elves, who greatly respected them too. Thus, the meeting- which would later be known as the Man-Monster Summit- was underway.
Firstly, he decided to give everyone who was not aware the quick version of his story.
-'...and that what I told you is the true course of events. However, at Gazel's suggestion, it is not the course of events we will reveal to the world at large...' he motioned to the dwarf, who stood up and drew everyone's attention
-'No one will accept an offer of friendship from someone who's hands are stained with blood...' he began 'If what Rimuru aims for is to happen, that is coexistence between human and monsters, his role in Falmuth's army disappearance is a massive detriment. However...' he said as he looked over at where Veldora was lounging 'It's a different story if the infamous Storm Dragon Veldora takes the blame.' Veldora perked up from his manga to look at the king 'since he is already a legendary beast who's actions are considered an act of nature.' he finished by looking at Elalude to continue
-'And so...' the archduke said as he too stood up 'I endorse this narrative as well. Rather than my daughter, a noble of Thalion, being responsible for the birth of a new Demon Lord, it would look instead like she helped introduce us to the Demon Lord who enabled the Storm Dragon to be pacified through negotiation.' he finished. His daughter didn't look to impressed, but Rimuru shot her a look telling her not to say anything. She obeyed, pouting.
-'And that's the story.' Rimuru said as he stood up 'Falmuth attacked us, we fought back, and the bloodshed awoke Veldora from his slumber. Falmuth was utterly annihilated in the process, but thanks to me being friends with him we managed to pacify him. Any objections?' he asked, looking around. No one looked to do so, so he looked at Veldora 'What about you? You'll be taking the blame...'
-'Kwa ha ha! No problem!' Veldora quickly said 'I am your sworn friend, so you can freely use the influence of the Storm Dragon as you want.' he said with a smile. Rimuru smiled back.
-'Thanks, Old Man.'
-'Alright then, with that out of the way, Rimuru...' Gazel said as he sat back down 'What are you going to do with the prisoners? They might spill the truth.'
-'No, they won't.' Rimuru said with determination 'I will make the kingdom of Falmuth fall in one fell swoop. First, we are going to release the current king, and make him pay reparations for his war. If not...' he said as he sat down 'I will ask them to submit as vassals to Tempest.'
-'Rimuru, the nobles in Falmuth are corrupt to the bones.' Fuze said 'They will most likely not comply with such demands...'
-'I'm counting on it.' he told the guildmaster 'Both the reparations and the vassalage are a pretext. The real objective is to cause a civil war and bring down the current nobility in Falmuth.' he said to all assembled. 'Yohm...' he called out to the man, who stood up facing him 'Once they are down, we will have it reborn as a new country...under the leadership of the champion Yohm.' he said as everyone looked at the champion in question.
-'I see...' Gazel said as he eyed the 'champion' 'You don't seem surprised, Kiddo.' he said to the human, who just scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
-'Yeah...boss already told me in secret...' Gazel did not look impressed. While everyone else was murmuring among themselves about Rimuru's declaration, he was staring down the human. Then, suddenly, his aura exploded outwards. Some, like the other humans, had to hold themselves in place from the force but most others were not much affected. Yohm, though he struggled for a moment, managed to hold himself up and stand his ground. After a few more seconds, Gazel relented and his aura dissipated. He sighed
-'Hm, your willpower is commendable, but...are you really prepared for what Rimuru is suggesting?'
Yohm continued to stare down the dwarf king. With a smile, he placed a hand on his heart 'If the Boss asked it of me...you can count on me!' he shouted. Then with a grin he added 'Besides, don't you think its just natural for a guy to wanna look cool in front of the girl he fell in love with?'
Gazel could do nothing but stare. Behind Yohm, Grucius had to stop himself from a laughing fit while Mjuran tried very hard to hide her embarrassment.
-'Ha, good one.' Grucius said as he stepped forward, standing besides Yohm 'King of the Dwarves...' he said to Gazel with a respectful bow 'I, Grucius of Eurazania can guarantee this guy. He's a fool...but not irresponsible. Until the day he can call himself a heroic king like you...I will watch over him.' he said with a small grin. Gazel looked over at the two, then at Rimuru
-'He can be trusted. Besides...' Rimuru said with a sly grin 'He's also Hakuro's disciple.' looking at his old master in the back of the gathered crowd, the dwarf king almost smiled.
-'Hm, very well.' he told Yohm and Grucius 'In that case, you may also rely on my help, should you want it.'
-'Thank you, Gazel.' Rimuru said 'Now, is there anything else we should be talking?'
-'Yes, I have something to say.' Fuze said. Rimuru nodded at him to continue 'In Falmuth, there is a distant relative of the King of Blumund; Marquis Muller. I believe we can negotiate to bring him to our side...' Rimuru was about to ask more but Elalude stood up with a light laugh. He turned top Fuze and the two had a- pretty one sided- quick rundown of Blumund's intentions. Rimuru honestly kinda tuned out for a bit before the archduke backed down from Fuze, seemingly content with Fuze's answer, which boiled down to 'better the monsters led by a Demon Lord than the humans who were defeated by them'.
-'Well, then, Demon Lord Rimuru...' Elalude said as he turned to Rimuru 'I ask this of you: how do you intend to use your powers?'
Rimuru looked at the man a deafening silence sat in. He though how to respond to the question...
-'That all? It's simple, really: I want to create a world where people can live in comfort and peace, where everyone can live with a smile on their faces. Especially...' he had to pause for a second as he though of a certain smiling girl, which made him hold his breath for a moment '...especially the people I care about the most...'
Elalude looked on for a second as he considered Rimuru's words. '...that's such a pipe dream!' he said loudly 'Do you honestly believe you can accomplish something like that?!'
-'Of course.' Rimuru answered immediately 'That is what my power is for!' he said with conviction as he stood up, facing down the elf even though he was shorter 'Power without ideal is rubbish, but so are ideals without power. Don't you agree? I do not seek power for power's sake. I seek it...for a purpose.' he finished
Elalude had to stay silent for a few moments. Then, he burst out laughing 'This...Demon Lord! HA HA!' after managing to calm down a bit, he bowed low, his attendants following suit 'Apologies. Now I understand. As the envoy and Archduke of Thalion, I would like to request the establishment of diplomatic relationship between out two countries.' he said with sincerity.
-'We gladly accept, Elalude.' Rimuru said, not having to think on it; he was really hoping for it, in fact. After a brief cheer, the archduke got a bit closer to Rimuru and said in a low voice
-'I didn't expect you to call me by my name...' Rimuru immediately panicked, but Elalude interrupted 'In personal conversation it's fine, but...in public, please do use my title.' he said to a sheepishly looking Rimuru 'That's one lesson you can learn from me.' he said with a smile as he went back to his seat.
-'Alright, then...'Rimuru said as things calmed down 'How about we take a short brea...' however, fate had other plans. Something whizzed into the room at high speeds, nearly crashing into him. He had to take a quick step back as he looked at the intruder...a small, fairy like girl. The nuisance otherwise known as Ramiris the Spirit Queen. Also a Demon Lord (alegedly). Everyone in the room turned to look at the fairly as her voice rang out