Preperations 1

In the far north of the world, far beyond the norther sea of the Magical Continent, there lies a large landmass of frozen waste. In ancient time, it is said this land held a supremely advanced and powerful magical nation who's very name is now forgotten. In its place resides the Demon Lord who is said to have destroyed that nation, watching the world from his frozen throne. This is the land of Demon Lord Guy Crimson, the oldest of all Demon Lords and their unofficial leader.

Few ever ventured into this place, and even fewer return, but today a man walked into the Frozen Fortress as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Outwardly he looked human, with platinum blonde hair and a fair complexion, but cold, unwavering eyes. This was Demon Lord Leon Cromwell, the Platinum Saber, and he was here because the master of the palace invited him. Walking through the dark, frozen corridor, he arrived at a large, ornate door in front of which stood a maid with blue hair. Though she looked harmless, she was, in fact, one of the seven primordial demons, one of two which served the Lord of Darkness personally. As he approached, she bowed respectfully

-'Lord Leon, welcome.' she said in a monotone voice 'It is a pleasure to meet you. Please follow me.' She turned and telepathically opened the door. On the other side was a large room that seemed to be made entirely of ice, rows of columns on each side and hundreds of demons standing at attention. On the far side of the room was a throne on which stood their master. He had fairly androgynous features and wore nothing but a pair of pants and a loose jacket; his hair was almost as long as he was and a deep blood red. He was Guy Crimson. Leon walked slowly to the throne; not one demon in the room moved a single muscle. Finally, he came right in front of the ancient demon, who smiled widely

-'Ah, Leon, welcome!' he said as he got up and silently moved to Leon. As he got right up in the former hero's face, he licked his lips lasciviously and said 'Thank you for coming...why don't we go to my bed...' and tried to kiss him. With the skill of someone who had to go through the act far to many times, Leon dodge out of the way.

-'I am not interested in men...' Leon said with a tired expression 'I told you a million times already...'

-'Don't be like that.' Guy said teasingly 'You know, I can become a girl if you want...'

-'...You're missing the point.' Leon said with an exasperated sigh 'If all you called me here for is this...'

-'Of course not.' Guy answered, more seriously this time 'I called you here to talk about the oncoming Walpurgis.'

-'Hm?' Leon asked, as if the Banquet was not even on his mind 'I'm not interested...that smallfry Clayman called it, didn't he? I could care less what he has to say.' he dismissed the other Demon Lord

-'Me either.' Guy admitted 'Clayman is a farce, a joke. It's not who called the meeting's about who supports him...' he said with a grin

-'Frey...' Leon said, then added 'And Milim...'

-'Indeed. How about we move somewhere else for now?' Guy offered. Nodding, Leon followed him outside the room. A few moments later, they arrived at a large terrace with a table and two seats prepared. They sat down and another maid with green hair served them tea.

-'So, what's is this about Guy?' Leon asked as he sipped the tea 'Is this about Milim?' he asked

-'Hm, yes. You see, she's an idiot...but she is the next oldest Demon Lords after to me. I heard some suggest that she is being manipulated, but that is ridiculous...' he dismissed

-'Is it?' Leon asked, genuinely curious

-'Yes.' Guy said with no hint of thinking it as anything but the truth 'With her power, especially her eyes, she cannot be tricked. It cannot be done. Anything she dose, she dose because she wants to. Which means...she sees something very, very fun or exiting in this.' he finished with a grin

-'I see.' Leon said as he lowered his cup 'But still, I have no real interest. I have no intention of ending up like Carrion...' he looked at the ancient demon 'You have known her the longest. Can't you tell what that girl is up to?'

-'Ah, while I'm happy you're relying on me, no.' the demon admitted with a shrug 'Sadly, I cannot read the intentions of idiots. Its one of my few weaknesses...'

-'Hmm...yes, I too can't really deal with the other ancient Demon Lord...' he said, referring to Ramiris of course 'How I wanted to strangle her to death many times...'

'Don't say that' Guy laughed 'If you did anything to Ramiris, I'd have to murder you, you know.'

-'I was joking.' Leon said

-'Boooring!' Guy dismissed 'I'll giver Milim that much, she is never so boring as the rest of you lot.' he sighed

-'I have no intention of fighting a losing battle. Only Milim could really put up a fight against you.' Leon dismissed

-'Oh, come on now...' Guy said playfully 'You could win against me, say, one time out of a million...even saying that much is quite something.' he said

-'One in a million is nor worth considering...' Leon dismissed.

-'Ah, whatever. Let's get to the interesting bit...' he said as he leaned forward 'See, a few months ago Milim dropped by, out of the blue. She was saying some nonsense about some slime who founded a nation of monsters out in the Jura Forest...'

-'I heard about that.' Leon said 'I heard his name is Rimuru Tempest. He was even endorsed by the dryads, the protectors of the Forest.' he informed the demon

-'I see. I didn't know that.' Guy said smiling 'So Milim wasn't just making it up or exaggerating. Which makes what comes up next even more interesting...' his smile grew even wider. Leon knew that smile; nothing good ever came out of it, so he steeled himself for whatever insanity came next. 'Apparently, at lest from the way she was talking about this 'Rimuru'...she is completely heads over heals for him!'

Leon had to do a double take. That was not even close to what he was preparing for. Guy chuckled at his dumbfounded expression, clearly enjoying it. 'You're...joking.' Leon finally said.

-'No, I'm serious.' the demon said 'She really- and I mean, really- likes this Rimuru person. The way she went on and on and ON about him...ugh, girls, right?' he grinned. Leon wanted to remind the demon that he had offered to be one not long ago, but a presence disturbed him before he could

-'Hm...' he said as he looked over his shoulder 'Hello...' he greeted to the young looking woman that had appeared out of nowhere behind him 'Ice Dragon Velzard.'

-'Hello, Leon.' the dragon who was more powerful that any of the True Dragons answered back 'As ill tempered as always.' she said as she sauntered over to Guy. 'What were you talking about?' she asked as she sat down on the chair handle. Leon knew for sure that she was just pretending not to have heard.

-'We were just discussing the oncoming Walpurgis.' Guy told her, playing along 'It seems Milim has found something very interesting in the Jura Forests.' he said. 'And it wasn't your younger brother.' She looked somewhat disinterested.

-'Speaking of Veldora, I have heard he was revived.' Leon said; Velzard quickly perked up when she heard that

-'Aha, I though I felt something. But...' she looked distant, as if looking for something 'his aura seems far weaker than before. Hmm...perhaps he is not fully restored...'

-'About that...' Leon said 'It seems that, though he escaped from the Infinite Prison, he was laying dormant for some reason. There was supposedly this large battle between Tempest and the human kingdom of Falmuth in the forest, nearby where he was sleeping. Story goes, all the bloodshed woke him up.' he told the two who were looking at him intently 'Then he went on a rampage, wiping out the human army entirely.'

-'Hmm...sounds like him. He never learns...' Velzard said, disappointed

-'Perhaps if you didn't kill him all the time...'Guy said; she looked over at him with a fake pout

-'In any case...' Leon interrupted their act 'From what I heard, this Rimuru placated him. How, I don't know...'

Velzard looked over at him, curious 'Interesting... still dose not explain why he went missing for two years. If he died inside the Infinite Prison, he should have reformed in a matter of weeks...' she pondered

-'I have a theory.' Leon said, drawing her attention again 'Someone may have transferred Veldora, along with the Infinite Prison, into some sort of subspace...and only recently succeeded in lifting the seal. It makes much more sense than the official story I heard, though it too may be partially true. Perhaps all the bloodshed was used to fuel dispelling the seal...'

Guy looked to contemplate the theory 'I see...' he said 'But if someone broke the Hero's seal, that would make them as powerful as a Demon Lord, no?' he smiled 'Who would that be?'

-'If I would have to gander a guess, I would say it is that majin, Rimuru.' Leon said 'He started making waves in the forests around the same time Veldora vanished. And if even Milim is interested in him...'

Guy looked very exited about the prospect 'Ho ho, interesting...' he said with a grin 'So he may have Veldora on his side? If that's so...this is very exiting!'

-'Yes, quite...' Leon dismissed, then sighed 'I suppose if it true, even I will have to attend Walpurgis...' he said, then got up from his seat

-'Are you leaving already?' Guy called out, disappointed

-'Yes. There's no point in staying.' Leon said, looking over his shoulder 'I will be at the Banquet. It seems we will be in for a spectacle...' he said with a rare smile. Then he teleported away

Guy looked on at the place Leon had been, and smiled 'How exiting!' he said again, this time louder 'Finally, something happening. I really want to meet this Rimuru character...' he looked over at Velzard 'Don't you?'

-'Hm? Not really...' she said, disinterested

-'Oh? I mean, apparently this majin stole the heart of your cute little niece...' he said with a teasing grin 'As her aunt, should you not check him out for yourself?' he asked

Velzard eyes had a look of sadness in them as she looked over in the distance, to the frozen wastes created by her unrestrained aura. Guy could tell she was tensing; finally, she spoke

-'No, I don't have any right to get in her way...' she said in a low voice 'not after...' she didn't need to continue. Guy knew exactly what she meant. Both she and her sister had always held themselves partially responsible for never being there when their older brother was killed. In his opinion, they were a bit to hard on themselves; it was also his opinion that he and Rudra were the ones who were truly responsible for that tragedy...and the one that followed a few years later. He knew for sure that Rudra was far, far worse in the self-blame than the rest of them. Or at least he was; these days, he couldn't tell what his age old nemesis was thinking.

Velzard looked at him with a downtrodden expression 'Guy...I know you care for her a lot more than you want to admit...' she said. He remained silent, face blank, neither denying or confirming her words 'So I know you, at least, will look out for her...' she didn't finish, however. She started walking away and vanished again.

-'Ha ha...' Guy laughed to himself on the empty terrace. He looked up at the night sky, a faint aurora beginning to form. He remembered the old promise he made to the girl's father, so long ago, and wondered what he would say to him right now.



Sorry guys:( I didn't release anything for nearly an entire week!! The reason is that i had found some great fanfics to read and I watched some anime after not watching any for a few months so i spent my entire free time on reading fanfics and watching anime!
