Chapter 13 - Responsibility

George raised his hand and slammed at the desk,

"How did you know this?!" George asked with his voice and eyebrow raised,

"Why?, Are you scared that I might tell other people and cause this company to lose its reputation?" Young cain said to his father,

George came closer to cain and slapped him, Cain had a red mark on his cheek however he still glance back at his father,

"You will be going to the academy and you will be living there until you graduate, and you will never go home without my consent, 'EVER!" George was angry threatening cain,

"Or what? I will never leave this house without bringing blake with me!" Cain shouted,

"If you try to bring Blake I will bring back Fiona here and you guys will remain home study, and I will also send blake to your aunt's house!" George said,

"Fiona loves cooking the most and my aunt is addicted to gambling for sure blake will suffer there," Cain thought,

"Then if I agree to go to the academy you will never touch blake again?" Cain stopped glaring at George but started to beg George for blake,

"Hmph young man, If you try to do something in the academy that will lower your grades or get you suspended, let's see if you will still be able to see blake," George threatened cain, telling him to never lose focus of his studies or else blake will face the consequences,

Cain agreed to the terms, he will go to London for the academy and stay at the house of his father's friend, he will never lose focus of his studies, and should always be at the top, to protect his brother he needs to stay away from him for a long time, isn't it so unfair? For a child who doesn't have any powers to do anything. But for adults who can do anything, they abuse their own.

"Are you also leaving brother?" Blake asked with tears in his eyes,

"Yeah I have to, I will come back and I would like to hear a lot from you when you are also grown up, " Cain said and later on left,

The person who doesn't like showing their weak side because of a toxic environment cried all the way to the airport.

Two years had passed, Blake turned Seven, and he have lost contact with his older siblings not knowing the reasons at all, but he found out that his mother is pregnant so he was busy thinking about that,

and his mother gave birth to fraternal twins,

"Emma Waters," George said to the first female who came out,

"Aiden Waters" The second baby's name, a pink rosy cheeks male was born,

George again came out of the delivery room in hurry for another meeting, but he stopped when he saw blake smiling at him,

"Why are you smiling?" George asked,

"I-it's because I will have younger siblings, " Blake stuttered said,

"Ha! You don't deserve to be happy at all, " he left and continue to walk his way,

Blake heard this from his father's mouth, but he just shared it and was still happy because of his sibling's arrival.

While the twins were three years old Evelyn who grew fond of her twin children mostly stayed at home to take care of them, Blake was still left out of that bond, but he took care of them the most when Evelyn has gone to work,

In a big mansion, Evelyn Waters was outside the garden taking care of her twins and having a picnic with them, blake Nine years old at that time was there watching that scenery was feeling hesitant wanting to talk with his mother,

Evelyn have seen him from the start but wanted to let time pass where she would still ignore him,

Blake came out,

"Uh mom," He said hesitating,

"What?!" She said with an irritated expression,

"U-uh I wanted to ask, Why Sister Fiona and Brother Cain stopped contacting me" Blake who was flustered from Evelyn's reaction asked,

Evelyn looked at blake from his feet to his head,

"Well, aren't you old enough to know that they are busy? and besides, how are your piano lessons? Shouldn't you also be worried about your future?" Evelyn was asking a lot of questions to blake that he felt pressured by it,

"My piano lessons are doing great, the teacher is complimenting me that I'm great at it, " blake said,

"Aren't they complimenting you just for a raise of pay?, I mean are you really good at playing piano when I can only see it as effort, even babies can play like that, " Evelyn said looking mocking blake's achievement,

"You can say it like that then, mom" He smiled through the pain and called her mom,

"Don't call me that I don't want a son like you" Evelyn said and walked away,

Three years have passed, Emma and Aiden are now five years old, while Blake is twelve years old the age when cain left the house,

"Brother Blake!" Emma shouted through the hallway calling out her older brother's name,

She ran towards blake,

"Emma N-" Blake was then crashed to the floor when Emma head-butted him,

"That's 1 win for me and 1 lost for you today," Emma said chuckling, and one of her teeth is gone, this is the time when children's teeth get replaced,

"Brother blake I'm sorry, I told her to not head butt you, I swear I kept the promise" Sweet Aiden said,

Blake was on his knees and rubbed Aiden's hair.

"Don't worry Aiden I know you don't want me to get hurt from your sister's attack every day" he said smiling at his little brother,

Aiden chuckled and the three of them had fun playing with each other, in a large house like that they would fill it with laughter,

Blake feels grateful every time, being left alone for two years was enough to make him feel sad from loneliness, he instead focused on his piano lessons for his parent's acknowledgment.

[Five years ago]

Blake who is in his sleeping gown was kneeling in front of his bed and his arms were leaning on his bed,

"God, please save me from this loneliness, protect Sister Fiona And Brother Cain from their standings, I also pray that you will let my parents see what I do and let them acknowledge me, provide me some friends... True friends that will always be there for me."

A young child prayed all of that and he was happy when his prayers were fulfilled, he was saved from loneliness now that Aiden and Emma were born,

He never felt loneliness and discouragement anymore, he felt so happy and he would always look forward to his future because of having the responsibility to take care of his younger siblings, just like how Cain felt.