The Girl's Savior

Yami stared at them for a second and shrugged. 'It's not my problem,' he thought. He was about to leave when a screen appeared in his vision.






"Hah, a skill. Interesting," Yami muttered while rubbing his chin.

Since Yami was intrigued by the reward. He immediately went to the group and kicked the man that was holding a knife.

The group snapped at Yami's arrival since they didn't notice his presence. The girl took the opportunity of their distraction, bite the man's hand, and ran towards Yami's back for safety.

"He-help me," the girl whispered while holding onto Yami's clothes with trembling hands. She saw Yami as her savior against those who wanted to harm her.

Yami ignored the girl and faced the three men looking down at him. Their eyes showed annoyance that Yami had disturbed their fun.

"This little guy has a good kick," the man lifted himself and picked up the knife from the ground. He aimed the knife at Yami's neck with a wicked smile on his lips.

"Little guy, don't try anything funny, or else this knife will kiss that small neck of yours," the man smirked and glazed the dull part of the knife against Yami's skin. That action could make anyone fear for their life except for Yami.

"Come back here, lady. Don't worry, we will have so much fun for the night," the other man stated, and the three of them laughed together.

The girl shivered in fear, clinched Yami's clothes tightly, and started crying as she feared for her life.

"Please, help me," the girl whispered against Yami's back.

Yami sighed and looked straight at the three men waiting for their move. He could see that they all looked impatient but tried to stay low since someone could hear them.

"I don't care about your business with her, but I need to complete this quest for the reward," Yami stated and didn't waste any time before attacking the three men.

"Oi!" the man yelled before being tackled and punched in the face before getting kicked in the stomach.

Yami proceeded to the other one and kicked his shin before the man could land a punch on him.

The third man gritted his teeth and took out his knife, aiming to stab Yami. He launched at Yami's back while Yami was busy kicking the sh*t out of the 2nd man.

Yami glanced at his side and easily evaded the attack. He grabbed the man's wrist in a swift motion and used his full strength to tackle the man forward, causing the body to hit the wall.

As the men groaned in pain, Yami didn't waste any second before grabbing the girl's hand and running away.

Yami knew that those men would chased them, and if he wasn't careful, he might lose since he was not that strong yet. He decided to bring the girl to the forbidden area for a quick escape.

Yami pulled the girl down as they hid behind the broken house near the barrier. The men stopped chasing when they saw Yami entered the forbidden area.

"Tsk! Let's go," the group leader said and spitted on the ground before going away.

Yami peeked at the hole and saw the men retreating; he sighed in relief.


"Um, thank you for saving me. I really appreciate it. I'm Yuan Mei," Mei extended her hand with an awkward smile.

"I'm Yin Ying," Yami stated and shook Mei's hand.

Mei noticed a tore on Yami's shirt on his shoulder. She hurriedly grabbed his body to look for any wound but saw nothing; there wasn't any blood as well.

"What's the matter?" Yami asked in confusion and followed Mei's gaze and noticed the tear. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"I'm sorry for dragging you into my mess," Mei pouted as she tried to hold back her tears.

Yami looked at her with pure coldness in his gaze. He never liked seeing girls cry in front of him.

Mei noticed the change of atmosphere and realized that they were alone in the forbidden area, which was far worse than getting trapped by the three men. She hurriedly got up and looked for an exit.

"We need to go now before those raiders appear," Mei uttered with panic and looked around the area, fearing a portal emerging out of nowhere. "My house is nearby; you can come with me since it's already late."

Yami shook his head and lifted his body. "No need, but I'll go with you until you reach your home."

He wanted to accept Mei's offer to sleep in her home but opening the reward was more critical to Yami.

Yami gestured for Mei to follow him as they went out of the forbidden area. Mei told him the directions, and they walked in silence until they reached Mei's home.

"Thank you!" Mei exclaimed.

Yami waved goodbye and was about to leave when Mei pulled his shirt back. He turned around and saw Mei handing him a melon bread.

"I bought this earlier. Consider this as my gift," Mei muttered shyly.

When Yami remained silent, Mei grabbed his hand and put the bread on his palm before rushing inside the gate of her home.

Yami raised an eyebrow as he looked at Mei's retreating figure. A small smile formed on his lips while he stuffed the bread into his pocket.

Yami took his time going back to the forbidden area. He enjoyed the cold air hitting his skin.

A sigh of relief escaped Yami's mouth as he went to find a decent place to rest for the night. He was confident that the combatants would arrive whenever a portal appeared.

Yami sat on a broken chair and opened his inventory. A black box was seen on the screen. He clicked the item, and six symbols appeared in his vision. Shield for Tank, Sword for Fighter, Blade for Assassin, Wand for Mage, Bow for Marksman, and staff for Support.


"Hmm, I want to learn them all," Yami stated while rubbing his chin. He was conflicted on what class he would choose that would benefit him most.

"I want something more agile and quick to take advantage of this small body and specializes in artful killing to take out opponents easily. Now, which of these classes are suitable for my taste?"

Yami looked at the symbols one by one and thought deeply. He knew that his decision would be crucial for survival in that world. Especially since it would be the first class of skills he opted to learn.

Among the six classes, one symbol caught his attention.