The Yura

Two soul beasts emerged from the portal and scattered around the place, but this time, they were different from the usual soul beast they had encountered.




[LVL: 2]

[HP: 200/200]

Yami looked at his screen beside the new soul beast type that emerged from the portal. He was amazed at the beast's new look, similar to a crab with two massive sharp blades.

"They are beyond the Forbidden Area!" Shun shouted while looking through the window. His heart was racing while looking toward the students running away to save their lives.

"Those pair are soul beast Yura," Yami stated to inform Shun, but his words didn't get through Shun's head.

"The portal can't open this far from the base!" Shun gritted his teeth, grabbed Yami's hand, and dragged him towards the exit.

"EVERYONE! HURRY AND GO TO THE SHELTER JUST LIKE THE DRILL!" Ms. Kong Jie yelled as everyone was running with the teacher's guidance.

Mei was among the students, but she stopped and looked outside the window where the Yura was located.

The Yura twisted its eyes from side to side before looking up and made eye contact with Mei. The soul beast released a mighty roar before sprinting with its six legs towards Mei's location.

Mei stepped back in fear and was about to go the other way when she bumped into Ms. Kong Jie.

"Mei, what are you doing? come with me."

Ms. Kong Jie started running with the crowd while dragging Mei with her. Mei tried to resist, but since she was tiny. She can't do anything.

The soul beast Yura used its sharp blades to smash the wall multiple times before it got destroyed, creating a huge hole to fit its body. Then started chasing the remaining students at the back. The other beast remained outside and started trashing the ground where some students were located.

Shun slid from the exit and looked at the massive hole in the wall.

"Those bast*rds!" Shun gritted his teeth while breathing heavily. He looked at the soul beast going after the students with its blades, trying to slice their bodies.

"What are you gonna do, Shun?" Yami asked as he calmly went beside Shun, but he already knew the answer. After all, Shun was a fool for the needy.

"I'll do everything to stop those Raiders from attacking our school!" Shun answered and took out the Combatants vessel.

"Soul On!"

Shun's body transformed into an artificial one with pure white clothes and a Warrior tag with his name placed on his chest.

The soul vessel on his hand converted into a massive hammer. It looked heavy, but it was actually very lightweight to use.

Shun was about to leave when Yami stopped him.

"Shun, are you really sure about this?" Yami asked. He knew that Shun was still weak, and fighting a combat-type soul beast might kill him.

"Of course," Shun answered aggressively as he was itching to go.

"Yura is a combat-type soul beast with high speed and agility. They are not like Nivi, who was built to capture," Yami explained for Shun to understand the enemy he would fight. "With your current strength and ability. You will die."

"But I can't just stand here and watch my classmates in danger!" Shun replied while clenching his weapon.

"Those soul beasts are small but tough to beat. You will die," Yami emphasized in his last sentence in hopes that Shun would understand the value of his life. "Let's just wait for the Combatants to arrive, okay?"

Shun glared at Yami upon hearing what he had said. He knew his ability was still behind others and would bear difficulty fighting, but he could not stand there and watch the soul beast do what they wanted.

"Ying, the base is too far from the school ground. Even if they arrived, there would be numbers of casualties piling up!" Shun yelled and turned around. He knew Yami was right, and his chances of survival were slim.

At that time, Shun was conflicted about what he would do when he saw Mei running through the corridors along with the other students.

Shun closed his eyes for a couple of seconds before his body relaxed. He faced Yami with a slight smile on his face. "Ying, go and take shelter. I will rescue the remaining students inside. I can't just run away because I'm weak!"

Shun wielded his hammer and ran towards the hole while bellowing.

"Will he be okay?" Yami sighed while looking at Shun's form. He couldn't believe that Shun would be so selfless. "Of course, he won't."

Yami browsed his screen, but there was no quest for him. He decided to leave since he had nothing to gain from helping Shun or killing the soul beast.

A loud scream was heard from the 2nd floor. A soul beast was climbing through the window to get inside while the other chased a group of five students.

A girl tripped over her own foot and fell down on the floor. They helped lift her body, but it was enough for the soul beast to come close to them.

'We're trapped!"

The students stayed close together as they watched the soul beast approaching them with its blades ready to strike. The feeling of defeat and helplessness loomed their emotions as they accepted death.

"AH!" Shun wielded his hammer and hit the soul beast that was on the window, making it fall to the ground.

"A Combatant!" a male student exclaimed while getting teared up upon seeing the hero that would save them.

"Wait... Shun?"

Shun looked at the students and noticed that they were his classmates. He was relieved that he came on time and didn't hesitate to defend them against the other soul beast.

"Run and take shelter! Hurry!" Shun screamed as he aimed his weapon against the soul beast.

"Got it! We're counting on you, Shun!"

His classmates hurriedly went upstairs to escape. Leaving Shun alone with the soul beast.

'I'll protect them until the other Combatants arrive.'