The Raider's Invitation

"Ying, do you know why the Raiders are attracted to Mei?" Shun asked. He wanted to know the cause and desired to do something to prevent it from happening again.

"Hmm," Yami looked at the exclamation mark on Mei's head and clicked it. The action was strange for Mei and Shun, but they didn't question him.

A screen appeared next to Mei that contained her information.


Name: Yuan Mei

Age: 15

Height: 4'10 ft

Blood Type: A

Sign: Sheep

Likes: Animals, Cute things, Ice cream

Dislikes: Thunder

Mana: 100/100

"Oh, Mei's mana is 100/100. That's a perfect score," Yami looked at Mei with amazement. "That's why the Raiders want her. She's too strong!"

Yami glanced at Shun and opened his profile.


Name: Cai Shun

Age: 15

Height: 5'7 ft

Blood Type: A

Sign: Rat

Likes: Hot meals, Studying, Yuan Mei

Dislikes: Seeing anyone get hurt

Mana: 40/100

"Your mana is below average, Shun," Yami muttered. He wasn't even surprised at the results.

"Ha!" Shun's eyebrows twitch after hearing what Yami had said. "How much is my mana?"

"Your mana is 40/100. Though, it's not that bad. It would be best if you found something best suited for you," Yami stated and closed their profiles. "We can't do anything to stop the Raiders from getting drawn to Mei, but you can ask the Defender base for help."

"Ying, are you also working as a Combatant?" Mei asked in curiosity. She noticed how Yami spoke about mana.

"No, I'm not a Combatant," Yami waved both hands in front.

"But you are skilled and knowledgeable to be one," Mei stated in disbelief. "I thought you were one since I've seen you fighting."

Yami looked at her innocent eyes that stared at him. A smirk formed on his lips as he stood up and faced her. "Of course, I am good at fighting. I have been trained back in my world."

Yami's cheerful expression changed into a dark one. His eyes gazed at Mei with contempt.

"Eh? What do you mean? You're from overseas, right?" Mei asked. Naive at the true meaning behind Yami's words.

"Ying," Shun called him slowly. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone about Yami's identity, but he knew that Mei was someone they could trust. "You can trust Mei."

Yami glanced at Shun. He knew that Mei was someone who wouldn't betray a person's trust, but he wanted to see how she would react after learning his true identity.

"Wh-what's going on?" Mei looked at the two men with confusion. She significantly felt intense pressure from Yami since his expression changed to frightening.

"Mei, I'm not from this world," Yami stated firmly. A sly smile formed on his lips, "I'm a Raider."

'As a previous spy, there's always a rule that we must follow; keep your identity hidden and don't attract too much attention,' Yami thought while gazing at Mei's surprised expression. 'But, here I am, bravely speaking that I am a Raider, someone that this world despised so much.'

Mei's lips trembled, and her breathing hitched while staring at Yami. She stood up and took several deep breaths.

"Did I scare you? I — "

"You don't scare me!" Mei yelled, shocking both Yami and Shun. "You don't look like the Raiders that have been chasing me. You even saved me from danger twice. I know you're a good person even if you say you're a Raider."

"Oh," Yami had his eyes widen. He didn't expect Mei to express her words so bravely. "That's good then. I meant no harm to this world. I only came here to find my dearest sister."

"Sister?... Shun!" Mei exclaimed and looked at Shun with wide eyes.

Shun understood what Mei had meant. He took something from his pocket and gave it to Yami, a picture of a man dressed in a Combatant suit.

"Who is this?" Yami asked. He looked closely and saw the man in a Warrior rank suit.

"Mei's brother," Shun answered. He took a deep breath before continuing his words. "Yuan Long, one of the first Combatant to fight against the Raiders, was captured with the rest of the other trainees when the Raiders attacked the undeveloped base years ago."

Yami stared at the picture and glanced at Mei, who was trying to hold her tears. "What happened if the Raider captured you?"

"We don't know yet, but the higher Legend rank Combatants are going into expeditions," Shun explained, but his smile drooped down. "Despite the efforts, there is still no progress since they haven't arrived in any Raider's world.

Shun walked toward Yami and held both of his shoulders. His eyes showed perseverance and faith. "Ying, help us."

Yami stepped back and looked at the two of them. "What can I gain from helping you? I don't work for free."

Shun gritted his teeth. He was determined to get Yami's help no matter what. "Your sister, the Defender base, could be your source of information if she's really in this world."

Yami pursed his lips upon hearing what Shun had said, which also increased his interest. After all, he needed to get inside the Defender base.

"Join the Combatants, Ying. Let's form a team and work together to be included in the next expedition; guide us to the Raider's world," Shun stated firmly. His firm resolve was radiating in his aura.

"That sounds tempting, but my identity will be threatened if I decide to help you," Yami explained. If he tried to provide information to the base, he could be killed instantly after knowing he was a Raider.

"I know someone who can support us," Shun gave Yami a knowing look. "I knew he had invited you to join the Combatants too."

"Oh, who is it?" Yami spoke playfully. He couldn't help but shake his head in amusement.

"Qin Liqin."