The Warrior Rank Wars

Gossips about Yami and Mei's abilities circulated around the newbies and even reached several official Combatant's ears, which interested them.

"I heard a tiny girl destroy the training wall on the 5th floor. They are currently repairing them!"

"There's also a trainee who has less than one second to kill the Raider!"

Yami sighed and massaged his temples after hearing those murmurs around him. They were currently walking to the hallway for their next training session to begin.

"You two become popular now," Shun stated while scratching his cheek.

"It's embarrassing!" Mei stated and covered her ears. She was still in shock about what happened and for everyone to talk about the massive hole stressed her out.

"Well, we can't do anything about it," Yami shrugged and fixed his clothes. "I'd better go to my next training."

"Me too," Mei said, looking at her schedule and room on the guidelines.

"Okay, I'll be at the cafeteria. You two don't want to eat?" Shun said and stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"I'm not hungry yet," Yami answered and tapped his stomach.

"Me too. We'll just eat after we finish the training," Mei stated. Both she and Yami waved at Shun before they went their separate ways, and Shun went to grab some snacks.

"Let's see what's next," Yami muttered and opened his schedule. "Topography Transit on the 4th floor."

Yami went ahead toward the room. He didn't know what it was but was confident he could do well. After all, he had leveled up, and his stats looked good.

When Yami arrived, the training was about to start. Ma Song winked at him when he came and lined up at the back.

'This is easy,' Yami thought while smirking. He watched how the trainee ran and glided toward the building to the finish line.

The Topography Transit training was set to see how well you move, glide, and body control in the open area with buildings and establishments. This was useful in fighting against massive Raiders or escaping from the enemy.

Time passed by until it was Yami's turn to train. He went inside the virtual room where the mana formed the same set of buildings. He was standing on the rooftop, and a large monitor was placed in front and started the countdown.

10, 9, 8..... 3, 2, 1 Go!

Yami jumped from the building and followed the trail toward the finish line. He landed on the lower structure and ran to the next one. Since he was using the vessel's artificial body, the body was lighter than usual, and you could do long jumps that manipulated gravity.

Yami looked up and saw a pole attached to the building. He jumped, grabbed, and twirled around before flying upwards and landing on the ceiling. He kept repeating the process as there wasn't a hardcore obstacle to slow him down. After all, the scoring was based on how fast you could reach the finish line.

The trainees watched his movements on the screen. They were amazed at his performance.

Yami finished the training and went out of the room. The trainees stepped aside to give him space to walk while they stared at him and gossiped.

"That's the same guy who killed the Raider in less than a second, right?"

"Ahh! he's strong!"

Yami shrugged those words and waited for the next training.

The next training was Stealth Action, which was to remain undetected around Raiders. The last one was Spotting and Tracing, where you searched and followed the Raider without it noticing your presence.

Yami got a perfect score for the three training sets, which gained his first rank of all trainees.

"That's all I have to do, but my score is still low enough to reach 5,000 points," Yami muttered while looking at his points, which were 1,900. "I need to get higher fast."

Yami sighed and planned to go into the cafeteria to meet Shun. He noticed the stares and murmurs around him. It was evident that some trainees disliked him for being strong, while others were amazed, mainly the female trainees.

"You need 3,100 more points," a voice spoke from behind.

Yami turned around and saw Peng Nui, a member of the Guardian squad led by Ma Song. He was carrying a stack of papers in hand.

"Oh, yes. Who are you again," Yami asked. He remembered Nui's face, but he forgot his name.

"Nui, Peng Nui from the Guardian Squad," Nui stated and continued walking alongside Yami.

"I'm Ying," Yami introduced himself with a small smile.

"I know. What are you gonna do now?" Nui asked and stared at Yami's points. "You can join the group training, but it won't give you more points if you want to become a Master rank as soon as possible.

Yami hummed and thought about his next step to increase his points.

"Join the rank wars," Nui muttered before turning to the other side to deliver the forms.

"Nui, I mean, Senior Nui, could you help me in the rank wars?" Yami stated quickly before Nui disappeared. He knew some details about the rank wars, but he didn't know where it was held.

"Okay, wait for me," Nui nodded and did his work first.

Yami waited for a few minutes before Nui went out of the room and escorted Yami to the Warrior rank lobby.

The lobby had numerous doors on each floor and a big screen containing the room number, scores, and names of the participants fighting each other.

"I'll show you how. Come with me," Nui stated and gestured for Yami to follow him.

Nui looked for an empty booth with no lights on the room number. He went inside, and immediately, the room lightened up, and a robotic voice welcomed them.

( "Combatant entry confirmed. Standby mode on." )

"Oh," Yami looked around the booth with amazement while Nui pulled the seat for Yami to sit on.

"The Warrior rank wars are basically one-on-one battles in the virtual field. Let me explain the procedure," Nui stated and pointed at the monitor with numerous numbers and names inside.