The Deserted Area

"You know that you can't use your rookie vessel. The base doesn't even know you are here with me," Shun argued and massaged his temples. He was relieved that Yami was there, but they could get in trouble with the Defender base rules.

"I know, but you forgot that I have my own vessel," Yami stated and pulled out the soul ring. "I didn't use this yet since I wanted to improve my natural body."

"I see," Shun sighed and was able to smile. He was no longer worried about fighting alone if a portal appeared.

"But, the base might detect the difference of the mana generated by the vessels. So I won't use this until we are close to dying," Yami stated and chuckled at how Shun's face went from calm to panic.

"Ying!" Shun whined, and his voice echoed around the place. His legs weakened, and he fell to the ground. "We are doomed. You know that I'm weak!"