The Mass Invasion

The next day, Yami called Liqin to schedule a meeting for them to talk about the information he had gathered.

Most Tsuki branch members were present in the next few hours, and even Zhu Rong attended their meeting.

Yami felt the pressure inside the room as they waited for him to start. Behind him was a whiteboard that he could use to give an illustration.

"You can start anytime, Ying," Liqin stated while putting cheese on his fries. He anticipated what Yami was about to say.

They were anxious and tense about what Yami was about to state but tried to hide it.

Yami touched his white wing earing at his right ear. It was the physical connection he had with Mimi. He browsed his screen and searched the file Mimi connected to his vision.

"Ehem," Yami cleared his throat to gather their attention. The silence was too much for Yami to bear.