The Tsuki Branch First Squad

Yami faced Nicolo with his diamond staff aiming at him. They were currently looking at one another, analyzing each possible power and attack they had in mind.

'A staff, he might be a Mage user,' Yami thought before taking a step back. He was cautious since he didn't know his capabilities yet. He glanced at Shun, who was facing Ravenna. He knew that Shun couldn't handle fighting the enemy alone. 'Tsk, he will die for sure.'

"Why are you interested in me, old man?" Yami stated before setting his stringers in front in case Nicolo would attack.

"Old man, that's kinda rude since I'm very young at heart," Nicolo laughed and touched her hair. "You see, your mana is different from the rest of the Combatants I've met, but if my memory served me right, someone had a similar unreadable mana percentage like you."

Yami's eyes widen at what Nicolo stated. "Who?" he was confident that it was his sister, Suyin.