Scared Harold.

"Blake, do you feel tired?" Harold asked. Kids who awaken their soul spirits recently can't tame them to change according to their own wishes. Arya and Simon already had whip and sword covered in fire when he awakened it which is why they can use it so easily. If now they are told to increase the length of the whip or adjust the temperature of the fire then all they can do is practice for a few weeks to achieve the desired result. Soul spirits aren't much malleable this early.

Unfortunately, Blake's soul spirit was shapeless so the most it could do was create whips randomly and touch anything like he did when the purple tentacle touched the rock and corroded it in the cave yesterday. And now Blake had not only reduced the number of whips to one but also merged them to make a thick tentacle. Harold didn't expect Blake to be able to do all this just on the first day. He thought this was the adrenaline's doing so he asked Blake to confirm what was happening.

"I do feel a little tired but I think I can continue training. What do I do with this thick short tentacle?" Blake asked looking at the wobbly tentacle. He was able to control its movements to a certain extent.

"Now Blake I want you to reduce the thickness but don't take that extra smoke back in you. Put that in lengthening the tentacle. Try different things as per your own. No matter how much I say you have to find your own way." Harold said.

Blake nodded after listening to Harold's words and tried to relocate the purple gas around the base of the tentacle to the tip of it so that the tentacle can be extended. Slowly in front of Blake's and Harold's eyes, the purple smoke started flowing to the tip of the tentacle. It just looked like ocean waves but in slow motion. The length started increasing but then Harold noticed that Blake's complexion started becoming pale.

'I can do it...I can do it...I can do it' Blake thought as he was fully concentrated on the tentacle. He started feeling weakness all over his body but he decided to still go on. After a few seconds, his vision started to get blurry. The tentacle which was getting longer also stopped and now wisps of purple smoke were leaving the tentacle slowly as if it was getting dispersed.

The very next second all the smoke even on Blake's hand disappeared and Blake started to fall to the ground. Just as his face and shoulder were about to touch the ground, Harold held up Blake's clothes and then tossed him onto his shoulder.

"I guess it was too much for you...huh...kid? Let's get you to your room so that you can rest and then I will get an earful from Anya for letting you faint. These 3 months are gonna be hard on me. On one side I have a stubborn kid and on the other side, I have a strict wife who will kill me if I do anything reckless. I hope in these 3 months I don't grow any white hair. I am not going to tell Anya this happened. I will let Sheila tell her when she meets her later."

As Harold was saying all this to himself he was walking to Blake's and Sheila's house. As he reached the house he knocked on the door and after a few seconds, the door opened. Harold who was expecting Sheila to open the door was a little shocked when he saw that the one who opened the door was Simon.

Simon looked curiously at Harold first and then at the passed-out Blake on his shoulder. Harold wanted to turn around and run but then he heard a voice coming from other side of the hall.

"Who is it Simon?" Harold recognized that this was the voice of his wife Anya. He was about to signal Simon to not say anything but Simon quickly said.

"Mom, it's dad and he has an unconscious Blake on his shoulder. He looks pale and now even dad is getting paler."

'You tattle-tale, it's because of you that I am getting paler.' Harold thought but then he heard sounds of footsteps coming to the door. With every footstep, his heart rate was increasing as well.

Anya and Sheila came to the door and saw a stiff Harold who gulped his saliva and a pale kid on his shoulder.

"H-Honey I-It's just mana exhaustion." Harold said in a little stutter. Sheila didn't react much because she knew it was common for something like this to happen when young soul masters are trained.

"Sheila take Blake to his room and give him this potion. Till then I will spend some private moments with my dear husband." Anya said in a cold tone making a shiver run through Harold's and Simon's spine. She took out a closed test tube that had cycan-colored liquid inside. She then handed it to Sheila.

"This cycan-colored potion is called as mana potion and replenishes the mana of the one who drinks it. Blake will wake up within a few hours. Mana exhaustion due to training too much is way more common that you think." Anya said to Sheila making her more relieved.

"Go easy on him Anya. Such things happen." Sheila said and took Blake in her own arms and went inside his bedroom.

Simon looked at his mom and then at his dad and said "You were a good father." and ran away.

Seeing his son run away Harold muttered

"Bastard is already speaking like I am dead."

"You will be if something like this happens again." came a cold voice from Anya.

" It won't. I will personally take care of it." Harold said and then Anya just nodded and went back into the house.

'Dodged a bullet' *sigh* Harold thought.


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