
Harold looked at the excited Blake and said "Blake this much training is enough for today. I have delivered some books to your room so go home and read them."

Blake made a disappointed expression and said "But uncle Harold I am brimming with energy. I am not tired at all."

Harold walked closer to Blake and playfully ruffled his hair while saying "I believe what you are saying Blake but remember that I told you that everything must be done in moderation. So lets not overwork yourself and those books I have sent you will give you knowledge about the world you are about to enter."

In the end, Blake couldn't refute what Harold just told him so he just nodded and headed home.

As Blake reached home he saw that Sheila and Anya were making something in the kitchen while Simon was reading a book. Arya was nowhere to be seen.

"I am home." Blake said as he entered the house. Simon looked up, smiled, and again buried himself in the book. Sheila and Anya looked at him and Anya said "Your practice was wrapped up before I expected. Did he tire you early?"

"No actually I was brimming with energy but uncle Harold said not to overwork myself." Blake said to which Sheila nodded and said "Wise words"

Hearing this Anya chuckled and whispered to Sheila "Harold would never say those wise words. He himself overdoes it every time. He must have sent him home because of a reason. I will talk to him later."

As the ladies were whispering Blake asked "Uncle Harold said that he had some books delivered for me. Where are they?"

Sheila looked back and said "I already had they arranged in your room. Make sure to read them properly."

As the topic of books was spoken the nerdy Simon looked up and said "Blake if you face any problem in understanding those books then feel free to ask me."

Blake nodded and said "Let's go to my room." to which Simon closed his book and followed Blake to his room.

Blake opened his drawer and saw three books kept in there. One book contained information about soul masters and knights, one contained explanations and ideas about soul spirits mostly animal and tool-related and the last one was about monsters and other species.

Blake looked at Simon and asked "Which book do I start from?" to which Simon responded "Soul masters and Knights but many of them skip it and move to ideas about soul spirits. The book about monsters and other species is always read at last because there is too much in there about different monsters. Their strengths, weaknesses and even information about void monsters."

Blake had never heard the term void monsters before this so he asked "What's a void monster?"

Seeing that Blake didn't have even half the knowledge he needed Simon said "It's simple...they are those who come from the void. They are the ones that promote us to the next star. See, every star has 10 levels so you can levelup these minor levels by practicing your soul spirit or continuously fighting but once you get 10 minor level you can't go further unless you have consumed the core of a void monster. You also get one of the properties of a void monster added to your soul spirit."

Blake looked at Simon with a confused face which made Simon understand that he needs to dumbdown the explanation. He said "Monsters are born in the wild and grow there. These are normal monsters. Void monsters come from a void which is a gateway to another dimension. They are easy to recognize because they have tattoos all over their body. Now let me explain the effects. Whenever you eat a core it tries to join your own soul spirit which is in your heart. But the soul spirit has a shield on the outside. So if any monster core touches this shield it gets destroyed and energy inside it is released which is taken in by the core but this is pure energy and no property of the core is passed onto it like poison, claws, tail, wings,etc.

On the other hand when you eat a monster core, the shield lets it pass because the energy inside the core doesn't belong to our world. Now this core of a void monster mixes with our soul spirit and along with the energy a property is also taken in by our soul spirit."

Blake was able to understand this simple version given by Simon but he still had a few questions.

"What if someone consumes a void monster core before he is at the 10th minor level?"

Simon also thought about it for a few seconds and said "The soul spirit will collapse and the person will suffer from internal injuries or he might even die."

Hearing this Blake's eyes widened and his body shuddered by the thought of this. As he was about to ask about the next book Simon said "Oh I forgot to tell you but monsters have grade like Iron-grade, bronze,Silver, and gold. Void monsters also have same grade but with an additional one which is known has Star grade. They are the highest grade of void monsters and the rarest to find. No one tells what happens when you consume one of their cores."

Blake understood what he meant by that. High level soul masters had their own secrets and the effects of eating the core of a void monster was one of the secrets. He looked at Simon and asked "Even if I am not even 1 star soul master, I can consume a gold-grade monster core?"

Simon facepalmed himself and said "You need to understand Blake that gold star doesn't mean overall superiority in power but in their own species. So for example gold star one horned porcupine is weaker than bronze-grade four armed ape. For the porcupine species the strength of the one horned porcupine is gold star but compared to ape its even lower than bronze-grade."


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