Simon's swords

Simon looked at his parents and said "I want to give this a try. Even though I want to pursue the path of research, it doesn't mean I have to stay weak." Anya and Harold were impressed seeing the determination of their son.

"Simon was always mild-mannered but looks like Arya rubbed off on him." Sheila said making Anya smile and look at her children.

"Hmph...aunty Sheila this idiot is nothing like me." Arya harumphed.

"Are you guys done?" Rutmod asked in an annoyed voice. He had called the adults only for a small piece of advice but they were wasting a lot of time now.

Simon quickly apologized and said "Yes Yes...tell me what weapon do you suggest for me?"

Rutmod picked up a heavy sword from the ground. The hilt of this sword had an odd shape and that's what everyone was focused on.

"I made this one as an experiment but luckily it turned out to be a masterpiece. He then rotated one of the hilts suddenly the hilt came apart. It wasn't just the hilt but the entire sword was split into two. One of the swords was long and curved as if it had a hook at the end and the other sword was like a curved short sword.

"Why are these swords shaped so oddly?" Blake asked. He had seen all the weapons in one of Simon's books. At that time he didn't know as a soul master he would have to use one or else he would have read about it more carefully.

Rutmod who had noticed Blake speak the first time rotated the long hooked sword in his hand and said "This sword isn't just for killing but also has many other uses. It can be used to disarm your opponent by trapping their weapon in the hook. It can also be used to maneuver in difficult terrain as well but that comes later."

Rutmod then handed the swords to Simon who was inspecting every inch of it. He then looked at Rutmod and said "Does it have a special ability?"

"No brat...I just told you that I made this weapon as an experiment. I didn't add any kind of magic stone to it. But you already have the fire element so why do you need anything else? "

Simon thought about this and nodded. What Rutmod said was right and Simon could change his weapon anytime he wanted. As long as the weapon has been checked and permitted by the academy, he can use any weapon he wants.

"Alright I will take this sword." Simon said as Rutmod handed him the two swords. Simon tried to get used to holding two swords. He expected the longer one to be heavier and the other one to be lighter but to his surprise, they were both of equal weight.

Rutmod then looked at Blake. He looked at him up and down trying to discern anything that could point to which family he belonged. Seeing the dwarf eying him like this Blake became more nervous but tried his best not to show it.

"I can smell your nervousness brat...You are the quiet one among all of them. Even the adults." Rutmod said giving the chatty adults a look.

"That's because I have never used a weapon in my life and even now I am confused as to what to choose."

"Ohhh...I have got a clean slate here. Now that would be more interesting. No worries kid just show me your soul spirit and I will give you a good weapon. " Rutmod promised. All the other kids were pretty straightforward as they knew what weapon they wanted so all Rutmod had to do was give them weapons slightly different from each other. But getting someone like Blake was exciting as Rutmod's suggestions now would decide what path Blake will walk in the future.

Blake brought his hand in front of him and the purple tentacles appeared from it. Because of his constant practice, he had developed a decent amount of control over it. Rutmod fell in deep thought after seeing Blake's weapon. Even he was confused as to what would be the suitable weapon for Blake.

"What is this energy? Does it do anything else than hover like this?" Rutmod asked in confusion.

Fearing that Blake might say something he shouldn't Sheila signaled Harold to intervene. Harold was also thinking the same thing but seeing that Blake was about to reply, Harold quickly came forward and said " only hovers. But Blake can control it freely and its strength is not to be underestimated."

Rutmod frowned seeing Harold reply and quickly rebuked "I asked the kid not you 4 eyes. This is why I keep the adults at the door." Rutmod didn't drag the topic long and quickly shifted to Harold's point of the tentacles' strength.

"I was able to move headmaster Garcia with it. Although I am sure he wasn't trying his hardest." Blake said. He had a little proudness in his voice and it was well deserved. When the frost couple heard the same thing from Shiela and Anya, they were also impressed.

"Hmm...If what you said is true then giving you throwing daggers is useless. You rather use the tentacle since it is strong. I am confused about what attribute weapon should I give you or even what type of weapon will be suitable for you."

As he was thinking he went back to his weapon chest and started digging into it. After a while, he took out a pair of daggers from the chest. He came back to the group and held the daggers in front of him. He didn't say anything but everyone could see that there was sadness in his eyes.

The sheath of the daggers was black in color and there were drops of blood on it. Blake took one of the daggers from Rutmod and unsheathed it. The hilt of the sword was grey in color and had the shape of a bone and the face of a demon on the bottom. The blade of the dagger was red in dark red in color.

Rutmod unsheathed the second dagger and said "This is something that belonged to my late best friend."
