chapter 1

"y/n are you done putting your things away mom is going to get pizza" Michelle my older sister said as she walked in my open bedroom door. " damn you got a nice room, first time you get a room all to yourself now" she said as she looked around.

"ya Michelle i'll be done in a bit, i'll be right down when im done" i told her with a smile as i continued to put clothing away.

"ok just dont take to long or you might not get any when it gets here, you know how dad is" she said as she walked out and down to the living room. We had just moved here and got to this new house on Saturday morning. So we spent all that day and today witch was Sunday, and i think we are all done now. Michelle and i start our new school tomorrow and i thing my mom said that the middle and high school was all one high school. That means that i will see Michelle more, YAY. I love Michelle she gets me and i love being around her and i hate everyone. My mom is a dumb ass and my dad is an angry drunk, so not the bet.

"and with that final touch" i said as i hung up a collage i made of all my friends i left behind. It wasn't a lot i will admit. I then turned and went down to eat some food before it was gone.

*****************time skip**********

"y/n get up and get dressed first day of school" My sister said as she had a towel around her from her morning shower, i get mine at night. I got up and stretched as she left to get ready, we both had a thing for black but she went full on. Hey dont judge, she looks amazing. I just got white socks on brown undies and a black bra. Yes i know im only ten but hey i got C boobs, i know there real big for a girl my age but Michelle says its ok since i got my period when i was nine. I put my black pants on and black shirt, a skeleton necklace, a black leather spiked choker, and two black leather spiked bracelets on each wrist to match, and i had rings on each of my fingers all different kinds. I had jack skeleton earrings in, skull and crossbones, and little heart ones in, and i never take the three sets out ever. I brushed my brown hair and walked out with my corps bride book bag, it was one of those ones that hang down by your hip. I walked by the bathroom and my sister was in there with the door open putting her makeup on, black of course with green eye shadow to match the little bit of green she had on. She had mostly black on like me but she layered it with a little green like i said, and she didnt have that much jewelry on like me.

"hurry up, we dont want to miss the first day" i said as i leaned on the door frame.

"calm down im done, let me get my stuff then we will go to the bus stop" she said putting her makeup away, and pushed me out of the way. She went in her room to get her stuff, then we both left the house and walked for the bus stop. Our house was a little out of the way from town so our stop was just a stop singe at the end of our hill. We talked for a little then the bus came, and as we got on i saw that we were the first stop, just like back home. Michelle went all the way into the back and sat down, i sat in the one across from her and put my music in. I was looking out the window to see some of the kids as they got on. We were rounding the last stop, the bus was full but no one wanted to sit with me or my sister, i guess it was the way we dressed. I didnt care, Michelle was a very depressed person no matter how much she tried to hid it from me so she tried to match the scene. I on the other hand dressed like this because it made me happy, i dressed with color all the time and it really didn't make me as happy as it dose dressing like this. so i didnt care. Then i saw this guy with his ears gaged, he had on ripped jeans and a black hoodie on with a green and black shirt on. He walked all the way to the back and sat with me, as soon as he did my sister was looking at him with an angry look, she is very protective of me. He looked 16 like my sister or around there. He looked at me and razed his eyebrow real high.

"how old are you" he said with an Irish accent like everyone had here " you look a little young to go though the goth scene"

"im 10, and i have always liked stuff like this since i kicked out my mom" i said and started to twiddle with my ear, i do that when im nerves and i dont like talking to people " that and i want to be as beautiful as my sister Michelle" i continued and i pointed to my sister who was still looking at him.

"oh ok" he turned and waved a hand at her "well she is real pretty, we dont have many like her at school, im in a little bit of a band if you want to hear us play sometime Michelle, right" he started to say to my sister.

"ya thats my name, My sisters name is y/n" she pointed to me "so whats yours then"

"Sean, or you could call me Jack if you want"

"why would we call you Jack if your name is Sean, thats dumb" i said looking out the window again.

" are you from (home country), i can tell from the accent, Jack is a nickname for Sean here" he said to me. I just made the "mmmmhmmm" to let him know i heard him. He started to talk with my sister until we got to school and off the bus. I was following my sister to the office and Sean was walking with us still talking to her. We went to our classes then and i had my day, didnt talk to anyone but it is ok i will be here for some years now so no rush.