Chap. 7 Officially

"Here's a kiss," Stacey laughed as she pressed the soup spoon to Bryan's lips.

"Oh, rejected," Bryan complained.


Arriving in front of Stacey's house, Bryan immediately helped the girl and removed the helmet on Stacey's head. Bryan also smoothed the hair that covered his lover's beautiful eyes.

"Ehm… Bryan enough, afraid to be seen by Mommy." Stacey stared in fear at her mother's interrogation. Especially if her brother knows, he can nag for seven days and seven nights. Horrible to imagine her older brother's anger.

"Why are you so afraid, just like a thief." Bryan chuckled at Stacey's pale face.

"It doesn't matter, Bryan; I'm too lazy to listen to Mommy and Scott nagging." Stacey sighed wearily.

"So what do you want? Now we're officially dating, but you want a backstreet." Bryan had a look of disappointment on his face.

"Bryan, sorry for the time being, don't open our relationship in front of my family, okay?" Stacey looked pitiful.

"You want to stay backstreet, right?"

"Please..." Stacey shook Bryan's arm.

"Hhhh… what can I do." Bryan took a deep breath.

"Thank you, Brian."

"At first, I thought because we officially dating, I am free to come to your house and occasionally have dinner with your family."

"Sorry, Bryan, can you be patient?"

"Hemm ... no other choice. Go in; your mother will come out looking for you. Tonight the cellphone stay charged. I want to see you before going to bed."

"Okay." Stacey held up her thumb.


"What?" Stacey turned when Bryan called out.

Bryan kissed Stacey's cheek.

"Oh, Bryan, don't do that." Stacey glared sharply.

"Just a little on the cheek. Don't forget, I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Annoying boyfriend."

Seeing Stacey's body missing behind a fence, Bryan rushed to start his motorbike to go home immediately, even though he was alone; if there was no interest after school, he would go straight home.

On the other hand, Stacey sneaks into her house. Hoping her mother didn't see Bryan's whereabouts earlier, she escorted him to the front door of her home.

"Who brought you, dear?"

"Mom? Just startled me." Stacey stroked her chest.

"Going home sneaking like a thief. Who was escorting you? Why not with Clara and Zack?"

"Just now, we studied together for the competition. Bryan was also one of the students selected to participate in the competition like me, and we went home together."

"I just want to know, as long as you can take care of yourself, I don't mind. Scott, too, it won't be different."

"Why you gonna tell him?" Stacey pouted her mouth.

"Something wrong, dear?" Miss Miller stroked her daughter's shoulder affectionately.

"Okay, I'll be honest with you. Bryan is my boyfriend."

"Mrs Miller looked at her daughter thoughtfully.

"I had a crush on him on 10th grade, but we just dated a few days ago."

"Whose child is he, and do you know where he lives?"

"Why ask me so detailed?" Stacey snorted in annoyance.

"Stacey, dear, listen to me carefully. You are our only daughter, not an exaggeration, but Mommy must know everything related to your life. Because you are very precious to us. More than anything. If one day something happens to you. At least I can get information from Bryan. Because he's one of the people who are close to you. Before you grow up, I must protect you with everything I can."

Stacey rushed into her mother's arms. "Mom, I'm sorry; you've been worrying me all this time, and I misunderstood."

"It's okay, dear. We should care for each other."

"His name is Bryan O'Neil. His father is uncle Barack, one of Dad's business partners.

"Barack O'Neil, your Daddy friend?"

"Yes. he is"

"Okay, wash your hands first, then eat. Mom, today, cook your favorite risotto."

"Is that all right, Mom?"

"What's more? Mom already knows, Mommy, believe you won't mess anything up."

"Thank you, Mommy is the best." Stacey kissed her mother's cheek.

"It's done, don't be silly; it's amused to know." Mrs Miller laughed at her beloved daughter's behaviour.

"One more thing, Mom. Don't tell Scott, please..." Stacey whimpered.

"Okay, hurry up and eat; your mother's cooking is already cold. Why are you so afraid of your own brother."

"Not afraid, mom, but lazy with his noisy mouth more than a gossip girl."


"Let's go." As promised, this morning, Bryan was waiting at Stacey's gate. Previously, Bryan patiently put a helmet on Stacey's head. "This." Bryan took off the hoodie he was wearing and handed it to Stacey.

"Bryan, I've got a jacket on."

"To cover your thighs. I don't want any guy's eyes looking at your thighs."

"Tsk… possessive."


Arriving at the school parking lot, all eyes turned to the new couple trending on gossip sites, and almost girls' mouths sneered at them.

"Come on." Bryan gripped Stacey's hand tightly through a group of students who were whispering. "Don't listen; just think of it as the birds whistle." Stacey smiled happily because Bryan was so considerate.

"Morning, bro?" Max, who had just arrived, patted Bryan on the shoulder. Bryan just glanced at him.

"Congrats, you two finally officially. Will you treat us something?" Rooney, the gold diggers are always alert in terms of blackmail.

"Every day he also pays for snacks in the canteen, still not enough? Don't overdo it." Jack nudged Rooney's shoulder, signalling.

"Oops, I forgot." Rooney grinned innocently.

"Stacey," Clara, walking hand in hand with Zack, immediately approached Stacey. "I miss you." Clara chatted with Stacey, while Stacey just stood still when Clara kissed her left cheek.

"Overacting." Only one word came out of Stacey's cold mouth.

"Gosh, very sadistic mouth. My girlfriend is worried about you." Zack grumbled.

"Then what do you want?" Bryan turned his head towards Zack.

"Nothing, I just kidding. Hahaha..."

"Stacey, lunchtime, come to the rooftop. Get together with them, okay?" Bryan looked at Stacey, who was already sitting in her chair. "Take Clara and Zack too."

"Is it okay, Bryan? Can we join you on the rooftop?" Zack was excited because he wanted to see Bryan's headquarters.

"Take good care of Stacey."

"Okay, Bryan… Clara, we can finally go up to the rooftop." Zack embraced Clara, who was beside him.

"Bryan, Stacey, come with me to the office." Mr Collins, the killer teacher, was already among the Bryan group. They all looked at each other because, unusually, the most feared Saint Andrew high school came to his student in the school teacher corridor himself.

"Come on." Bryan didn't let go of Stacey's hand and walked after Mr Collins.

"Sit down!" Mr Collins made them sit in the chair opposite Mr Collins in the teacher's room.

"Thank you, sir," answered Stacey politely.

"What's up, Mr. Collins? You call the two of us?" asked Bryant to the point.

"Well, I don't mind that you two are dating. But please take care of your attitude, because both of you are outstanding students. I don't want any other students to follow your attitude.

"Do you mean this kind of attitude, sir?" Bryan took Stacey's hand and showed it to Mr Collins.

"Bryan." Stacey smacked Bryan on the arm and tried to get out of Bryan's grip.

"Yes, that's one of them." Mr Collins pointed to the link between their hands with one eyebrow.

Bryan chuckled. "Sir, you don't have to worry. I know the limits and the rules; before we officially started dating, many other students were worse than us when dating. And I'm sure they won't bother or imitate us because our dating style is normal, not anti-mainstream."

"I just want to remind you, so you don't go overboard in dating because you two have a bright future. Don't forget the competition next month."

"Alright, sir? We will do our best and not disappoint you as our mentor teacher." Bryan, representing Stacey, spoke while Stacey silently listened to the two arguments. A sense of awe crept into Stacey's mind when she saw Bryan firmly answer all of Mr Collins' questions with confidence without involving Stacey.

"We're leaving, sir; class is about to start. Bryan tapped Stacey on the shoulder to follow her out of the teacher's room.

"Excuse us, sir. This time, Stacey raised her voice and followed Bryan from behind.

"Come here, honey, go for a walk together. Don't walk in the back like a maid.

"Honey?" Stacey stared.

"Is it okay, now I'm calling, honey, to you. Mr. Collins already knows. We're dating officially." Bryan kissed the back of Stacey's hand.

"Up to you." Stacey blushed. Bryan's increasingly sweet treatment made her heart flutter.

"Now, can I kiss you?"