Chap. 10 Jordan's Evil Plan

One week later.

"You just choose what you like."

"No need, I still have a lot of clothes." Diana refuses an offer from Jordan.

"If you refuse, you want to make me sad."

"Yeah, that's not the case, Jordan, don't be angry. I didn't mean to deny your good intentions to me." Diana is awry; it is not accepted well and is not good either.

"Then take this." Jordan handed Diana a paper bag.

"Jordan, I can't."

"Just accept it."

"But …?"

"If you refuse, I'll annoy you every day." Jordan smiled enigmatically.

"Okay, by the way, thank you for giving me a gift. Meanwhile, I can't give you anything."

"There are times when you will give something valuable to me, Diana."

"What gift?"

"You'll know later, too."


"Where are you from?"

"S-Scott." Diana swallowed hard when she saw Scott sitting on his motorbike.

"I asked, where are you from, huh? You know what, I was confused looking for you at school. I asked Luna and the others. And what was the result? None, they don't know where you are. I've been waiting here for almost an hour because I'm worried about you, and now you're taking it easy like there's nothing wrong with it." Scott bombarded Diana with all the things in his heart.

"Scott, I..."

"Where's your cellphone? If you don't want to call me, at least you can send me a message. So I don't look like a crazy person looking for you, worried about your safety." Nugie is barking.


"Are you too smart, or is your innocence too severe?" Scott's nose twitched in anger.

Diana gripped the paper bag in her hand, her eyes starting to condense. Usually, she never felt offended by Scott's words. But this time, she was unfortunate to hear the words from Scott that were full of emotion.

"Since you're home, I'll go back first." Scott immediately started his motorcycle without looking back at Diana.

"I'm sorry, Scott; I hope you don't sulk for too long," Diana muttered while crying softly in front of her house. The tears she had been holding back finally fell.


The next day.

Diana sighed when it was almost seven in the morning; Scott had not yet picked her up. She immediately contacted Scott via her cell phone, but several times she dialled the number Scott, only the operator's voice answered. For fear of being late, Diana immediately ran to catch the public bus that had just passed in front of her.

"Hey… wait for me!

Diana ran after a public bus that had just passed in front of her. However, the slippery road due to the night's rain made Diana fall. Her uniform and bag were dirty with muddy water. The girl sighed tiredly, suddenly she remembered, the first lesson was a Physics test. If she arrives late, the risk for follow-up or remedial treatment is considerable. While restorative at their school, they will be deducted two points for getting a second chance for a test.

Suddenly, Diana cried. She remembered Scott, the boy she loved, was furious and ignored her. Even though it was just a misunderstanding, a small mistake that shouldn't have made him this angry.

"Scott," Diana muttered sadly.

From a distance, Jordan smiled with satisfaction; his chances of approaching Diana were getting more expansive. One of them is currently to be a hero for Diana, who is in a disaster.

"Diana, Diana," Jordan honked the girl.

Diana turned, "Jordan?"

Jordan smiled broadly after opening his newly opened helmet.

"Go up," Jordan said.

Diana shook her head, "my clothes are dirty."

"Let's go up; the school gate will close soon."

"How will I get to class if my clothes are like this?" Diana showed her uniform, which was full of mud.

"Easy, I'll take you home. Change clothes, then go to school with me."

Diana digested the offer from Jordan. "Is there enough time?"

"Enough, as long as you don't think too long."

"O-okay, Jordan, walk me home, okay?"

Jordan smiled triumphantly.


After changing her uniform at home, her mother was asked various questions. Diana immediately ran and approached Jordan, who was waiting for her in front of the fence of her house. Without hesitation, Diana climbed onto Jordan's sports motorbike for fear of being late.

"Tight grip, I'm going fast." Jordan pulled Diana's hand to wrap it around his stomach.

"Wait..." Diana was surprised because she had never hugged Scott while riding his motorbike.

"Hold it," Jordan deliberately stomped his motorbike, making Diana jump forward, hitting Jordan's back. Like it, Diana hugged Jordan's stomach tightly for fear of falling. A dirty thought flashed through his mind after feeling something seductive stuck to his back. He glanced through the rearview mirror; the beautiful girl who was very innocent had attracted him the first time he saw her, moreover, after knowing that the genius boy was always close to her. Jordan has more curiosity and the challenge to conquer girls. Don't call Jordan if you must undo his evil intentions to have fun with a girl.

Jordan, sure, soon, Diana will kneel in front of him. Chasing after him, like the other girls he had dumped out of boredom.

They passed through the school gates five minutes before the start time. Almost, Diana stroked her chest for fear of being late.

After the motorbike stopped, Diana immediately got off Jordan's motorbike without saying goodbye. However, her steps stopped when she wanted to run into her class. Jordan pulled Diana's hand, then without permission, kissed her cheek. It happened so fast that Diana couldn't dodge.

"Go to class; the bell will ring soon," said Jordan, caring.

"Y-yes, thanks, Jordan." Diana was embarrassed and left Jordan.

Entering the classroom, Scott looked at Diana sharply. Guilt began to cling to his heart, but his ego was hard to get rid of when he saw the girl he loved, who looked familiar with another guy. Scott was not willing if Diana stayed away from him.

On the other hand, Diana felt guilty because Jordan had kissed her cheek. She has had a crush on Scott since a long time ago, after entering Saint Andrew High School. Scott is a handsome guy, talkative but kind. Saved her from the bullies. At that time, when she was a new student, she was given the task of buying snacks and packing them herself. Scott, who saw her struggling to carry a carton of packaged drinks, felt sorry for her and helped her. Since then, the two have become close.

After school, Jordan approached Diana before Scott came. He wanted to take Diana for a walk as a reward for his help this morning.

"Diana," Jordan called.

"J-Jordan," Diana was always nervous when she was close to the boy. There was an unusual feeling she expressed, don't know what, but she didn't know.

"Come with me for a walk," Jordan held out his helmet to Diana.

"I-I want to go home." refused Diana.

"You, a bad girl too, huh?"

"What ..?" Diana blinked, turning to Jordan. "W-what do you mean?"

"I just asked to be accompanied for a walk, but you refused. Even though this morning, I helped you," said Jordan, who made a powerful weapon and returned the favour to force Diana to follow her will. He was sure, a girl as good and innocent as Diana. Definitely not refuse if asked for a favour.

"Okay, Jordan, but don't take too long; later, Mom, look for me."

"At least an hour, I promise; it won't be long." Jordan lie.

Diana got on Jordan's motorbike before seeing Scott, who was currently nowhere. Could he still be mad at her? Diana felt sad; the two days apart were supposed to be like they had been months. Unconsciously, she hugged Jordan without being asked by the boy, as usual.

Jordan was increasingly convinced of his intentions. 'Today, you will be mine, Diana. After today, I'm sure you can't leave me.' Jordan smiled happily because the girl he wanted to be had fallen into his trap.