Looking to the future in the form of an astral path showed the city of Loist, about which no one has a clue today. The city, located in Poland by the Baltic Sea, will play in 2190 n. l. important role in saving Europe. The impending catastrophe, destroying the hope of human survival, will be the driving force behind the creation of research aimed at averting it. People who come to this city will look for possible and impossible alternatives to effectively fight Orpheus, which is destroying everything alive. If there is an opportunity to look into the future, then the meaning of the whole process can also be in saving oneself. Are we able to avert threats from the future if we realize what is happening around us at the moment? The author offers us a look into the future to realize what will cause the mistakes of the past. This short story is a departure from the common genres found on bookstore shelves. Its departure is underlined by the fact that it was composed and written into its final form according to dreams.