Chapter 9


So In my country it's literally 3 am rn when I post this chap, as someone whose bodyclock isn't normal I just ended up finishing this so to my readers be grateful that this author has been making up to you guys for my long hiatus 🥲

Anyways Moving On....

-Progression and Bonds


It had been a few weeks since we accepted Luffy into our little group. Ace, Sabo, and I had continued our training, with Luffy eagerly joining in. Despite his initial clumsiness, he showed remarkable progress, fueled by his boundless energy and determination. He was always trying to impress us, especially Ace, who he looked up to like an older brother. Meanwhile, I kept my training with the system discreet, focusing on honing my abilities without drawing too much attention.

The Akatsuki Summoning System offered a range of techniques and items. I focused on improving my physical strength, agility, and basic ninjutsu skills. My secret training allowed me to develop abilities like the Shadow Clone Jutsu, which proved useful for multitasking and fighting. I was careful not to show my hand completely, only revealing what was necessary to keep us safe.

During this time, we continued our routine of hunting animals, stealing from the bandits, and hiding our treasure. The bandits had become a persistent nuisance, but they also served as good practice targets. One day, while exploring the outskirts of the forest, we stumbled upon a group of them planning another raid on a nearby village.

Ace, Sabo, and I exchanged glances. We knew what we had to do. With Luffy in tow, we devised a plan to stop the bandits. As we moved through the underbrush, Sabo whispered, "This might be our toughest fight yet. We need to be careful."

Ace smirked, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Don't worry, we'll kick their asses."

Luffy grinned, clearly pumped up. "Yeah! Let's show them what we're made of!"

I nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "Remember, we stick together and watch each other's backs."

We launched our surprise attack, catching the bandits off guard. Ace and Sabo charged in first, their coordination seamless. Ace used his superior strength and agility to overpower the bandits, while Sabo's quick thinking and dexterity kept him a step ahead of their attacks. Luffy, despite his lack of experience, was fearless, using his rubbery abilities to throw off the bandits.

As for me, I used the Shadow Clone Jutsu to create duplicates of myself, overwhelming the bandits with sheer numbers. It was a chaotic battle, but we fought with everything we had. Despite their initial shock, the bandits quickly regrouped and fought back fiercely.

In the midst of the fight, I noticed one of the bandits sneaking up on Luffy, who was too busy grappling with another attacker to notice. Without thinking, I dashed forward and tackled the bandit to the ground, knocking him out cold.

"Luffy, watch your back!" I shouted.

Luffy turned and grinned at me. "Thanks, Spade! You're the best!"

The battle continued, and we eventually managed to drive the bandits away. They retreated, battered and bruised, cursing us as they fled. We were left panting and exhausted, but victorious.

Ace wiped the sweat from his brow, a satisfied smirk on his face. "That was intense."

Sabo nodded, looking equally tired. "Yeah, but we did it. We protected the village."

Luffy was beaming with pride. "We were awesome! We're like real pirates!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Not bad for a bunch of kids, huh?"

As we made our way back to the hideout, we talked about the fight, laughing and teasing each other. It was moments like these that made everything worthwhile. Despite the dangers and challenges, we had each other's backs, and that was all that mattered.

Later that evening, as we sat around the campfire, Luffy started asking questions about our future plans. "So, what do you guys want to do when we're older?"

Ace shrugged, looking thoughtful. "I'm going to become a great pirate, just like Roger. I'll sail the Grand Line and find the One Piece."

Sabo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I want to sail the seas and find true freedom. No more rules or nobles telling us what to do."

Luffy's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm going to be the Pirate King! I'll have the best crew and find the One Piece too!"

They turned to me, waiting for my answer. I hesitated for a moment, thinking about my own goals. With the system, I had the potential to do anything. But what I wanted most was to protect my brothers and make sure we all achieved our dreams.

"I want to protect you guys," I finally said. "Whatever happens, I'll make sure we all achieve our goals."

Ace grinned. "You always were the responsible one, Spade."

Sabo chuckled. "Yeah, but we appreciate it. Thanks, Spade."

Luffy nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! You're the best big brother ever!"

I smiled, feeling a warm sense of pride. These were my brothers, and I'd do anything for them. With the system's help, I knew I could become strong enough to protect them from any danger.

As we sat around the campfire, the stars shining brightly above us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. We had a long way to go, but we were on the right path. And as long as we were together, nothing could stop us.
