Grandma's birthday part 2

Lu Jinho took me to a store that looked closed but really classy. By just a glance, one could tell that it was a very exquisite and high-classed place. I didn't think somewhere this enclosed could be this flashy.

When we got in, I saw a young lady who immediately stood up from the front desk to attend to us.

"Hello, what would you like to try today?"

She said while asking Lu Jinho. I could tell that she had already fallen for this man's beauty because her face was already all shades of pink but the man she was so in love with didn't even spare her a single glance. This life is not so nice.

"It's not for me, it's for her. I want you to get her everything she'll need for a dinner birthday party".

He then turned to me.

"Pick whatever you want".

Anyone who heard him would think he was a devoted and amazing boyfriend, they wouldn't know that this was all just for show. This dude literally despises me.

I followed the girl into a different section and this place was filled with nothing but the smell and look of wealth. From the clothes to the shoes, to the bags, to the pieces of jewelry that shone so bright it felt like it would make me blind. Everything was simply too beautiful. Most of the clothes were placed on a mannequin but others were hung so neatly on a hanger so that the beauty was still clear to the eyes. The shoes and bags were arranged on shelves while the pieces of jewelry were inside a glass case with enough space so one could clearly see which jewel was which.

"Miss, I'll let you have the room to yourself, and stand by the corner there, please do let me know if you need anything".

I nodded and she went and stood by a corner in the room like a bodyguard. I began looking around to see which I was going to pick but it was just too hard because I already fell in love with so many of them. I finally decided to go for an ox blood-colored dinner gown. I went into the dressing room and tried it on. It looked extremely beautiful on me but I wasn't satisfied. I came out and picked another one

This time around, it was a pepper red dress with a white flower drawn from below the chest down to my knee which was the part which had a slit. This dress wasn't just classy but it was also extremely sexy. It was screaming authority and I loved every part of it.

It was an off-shoulder dress and its hands weren't long at all but it came with a long pair of gloves so it would have looked like it had a long sleeve if it didn't have space in between.

It was my exact size and it stuck to my body like it never wanted to let go. It was tight to the top of my knee which was the beginning of the slit, and after that, it was flay and spread around the floor beautifully.

I was okay with it so I didn't check for any other one because I didn't want another fine one to change my mind. I went on to pick a shiny silver shoe and a purse to go with it. I didn't pick any jewelry, they looked extremely flashy and that was the problem. Because I was too used to keeping things cool as an assassin, I wasn't used to wearing jewelry that would stand out too much so I literally forgot to pick any jewelry.

"Are you done?"


I didn't wear the dress out so he didn't see what I picked and funny enough, he didn't even ask.

He paid and we left the store. When we left the store, Lu Jinho insisted we get something to eat since it was almost noon already so we went to an eatery and had an early lunch. After that, we left for the mansion.

When Lu Jinho woke up this morning, he didn't know why but he wanted to spend the whole day with Shin Suri. So he browsed how to take girls on dates. The first thing he saw was the amusement park but because he didn't like unnecessarily crowded places, he skipped that. He saw other things like the movies, shopping, dinner, and even flower shops but he didn't want to make it obvious that he was taking her on a date so he picked the less obvious ones.

He knew it would be easy to ask someone to bring clothes, shoes, and other things for her to try at home but he didn't want that because if that happened, he wouldn't have the chance to spend time with her.

I was thinking we were going home but the vehicle suddenly stopped in front of a....flower shop?

'What is this, what is he doing?'

I turned and looked at him about to ask a question but he beat me to it.

"Don't have any funny thoughts, I want to get flowers and a gift for grandma and I think I'll need your help".

'Ahhh, Shin Suri you've gone ahead of yourself once again'.

"Okay, let's do that".

We picked a beautiful bouquet of flowers for grandma and we went to another store and got her some medicinal drinks. We had successfully spent almost the entire day out and even though I kinda enjoyed it, I felt we needed to be at home to help a little before the birthday party starts.

"Can we leave now?" he simply nodded and we left.

On getting home, the place was already beautifully decorated and everyone was getting ready for the party. Lu Jinho invited a makeup artist to do my makeup since time was already far spent.

After the makeup artist was done, even I knew that I looked really pretty this night.

'Alright Lu Jinho, let's see if you can still say I don't fit in the powerful circle after tonight'.