Will you be my girlfriend

I sat in the bathroom furious and irritated. I didn't want to flare up but I couldn't help it. Even though I like him, I don't think I like him enough to be disrespected.

'What? I'm paying you? Haaa! Such a joke'.

Then I heard him knock on the door. I knew he would apologize or something but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Shin Suri, can we talk? I'm sorry".

It's obvious I was gradually becoming a fool for this guy. As soon as I heard him speak, my anger depreciated to a fault and I wanted to open the door immediately but as soon as my hand got to the door handle, I immediately halted.

"Wait, Shin Suri, I'm not this easy huh? He was wrong so he has to be sorry for a while at least".

I let go of the handle and sat back down. After a while of constant knocking, I didn't hear anything anymore and the entire place was very silent.

"He's gone, finally".

I stood up and opened the door to go back to bed but when I got to a place where I could see the bed view properly, there he was sitting with his hands joined together on his lap and his head down.

I knew I couldn't go back to the bathroom anymore so I ignored him and went to the other side of the bed and lay down.

"Shin Suri".

When I heard him call my name in such a calm and soothing manner, I almost gave in but the Li Melin in me didn't want that so I pretended to be asleep. He called me like two more times but I didn't answer then I felt a big arm around my waist. For a moment, I felt my heart beating way faster than normal.

'What is this? It's not like this is the first time he would be holding me so what is wrong with me?'

Just then, he decided to give me my final blow. He brought his lips so close to my ears and whispered into them.

"I'm sorry babe".

I didn't want to give in but right now, my entire mind was covered in a fog and my body began to act on its own. I turned so my back would be directly on the bed and my face was towards the ceiling. The only thing was, I wasn't seeing the ceiling, I was seeing a demigod.

"I was having a rough day but I never should have poured my aggression on you like that, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?"

'There you go again, talking too much Mr. Lu Jinho'.

I said in my mind and without thinking, I grabbed him by his neck and pulled his head closer to mine, and sealed his lips with mine. It was slow for a while as he was slowly taking in my rash action and even I was surprised by just how much I wanted him but it didn't take long before we got past that stage and began to kiss each other with more passion and intensity like we would both pass out if we were to be separated for another minute.

Lu Jinho was taken aback by her sudden action but even though he was, he liked it, a lot. He leaned closer as though they were not close enough yet, with his chest on hers and his hand on the bed so as to control his weight he began kissing her more.

And with every minute that they kissed, his body was asking for more. Soon, he couldn't take it anymore so he pulled his lips away from hers which made her look at him in confusion.

He moved away from her body but his eyes never left hers and then he raised her up and sat her down on his tigh then in a husky voice, he said.

"I want to touch you".

My heart was skipping and my head was spinning. It felt like I would faint very soon. The way he spoke, the way he held me, there was absolutely no way I could possibly resist him.

Lu Jinho held her waist in a way that she couldn't go anywhere but didn't get hurt at all. He was definitely a gentleman. He began kissing her again and she responded with the same urge. After a while, they stopped to catch their breath, and then he asked her.

"Shin Suri...."

I looked at him. Even though I could see the want in his eyes, I could also see calmness and seriousness I guess. But why was he serious?

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I didn't know if I would regret my decision later on but right now, I could never say no to this guy. I nodded my head in confirmation.

"Mnnn, I will be your girlfriend".

He smiled and I could see the genuine happiness in his eyes but I cut him short.

"But there are things you must not do, like what you did today".

He began to nod like a child and I couldn't help but laugh at his behavior.

"I will never do that again I promise".

I smiled and suddenly, he pulled me in again, and this time around, he was kissing me faster than before.

Lu Jinho began tracing her back down with his fingers and when he noticed that she had no zip or whatever, he took his hand to her shoulder and tried pulling her shirt down.

I figured he wanted to get rid of my shirt so I stopped kissing him and pulled it off immediately.

Lu Jinho was speechless as he looked at her wearing just a bra on top, she looked extremely beautiful.

"You look amazing".

I couldn't help but blush a little. I smiled but I didn't say anything.

Lu Jinho carried her and placed her back on the bed while he was on top of her. He began kissing her again and just when he was about to go further....

Knock, knock, knock!!!!

"Lu Jinho, Shin Suri, come downstairs now!!!"