Chapter 9: First official date.

'What does love feel like?'

That got me thinking for a second, I saw the words in a public advertisement on our way to the restaurant.

Still unable to relate to their conclusions but, as to me? Love was him. And will always be him.

Feelings are accompanied by memories and thoughts. But love? Doesn't need time to be processed like both of them. It doesn't need a situation to occur. It sure as hell doesn't need a permit to be felt. Love hit. Hard.

With him sitting there beside me, caressing my knuckles with that stupid in love kind of smile on his perfectly sculpted face, enjoying our peace and quiet..., I felt it.

It's more than a skipped beat of a heart, more than the rush of blood through the veins, more than the goosebumps that form on the skin, More than the words, love was just ...LOVE!.

It's a...'you'll know it when it hits you' kind of feeling. Undescribable.

"WOW! You are the only boyfriend_" I started with a scoff.

"Call me hubby" He interrupted me, seriously.

"...You are the only husband to bring your wife, food tasting on your first real date" I rephrased my previous comment with a fond smile on my face.

"Have you seen my wife? Imagine her in arcades, swimming, clubbing, hiking, touring, cinema..." He said with a teasing tone.

"So, you think I'm such a glutton?" I pouted retracting my hand to my side.

"My wife is the most..." He started but trailed off in search for words.

"You can't even find a compliment for me?!" I accused, sulking.

"You are just so freaking imperfectly perfect to me, darling baby. That's why!" He justified himself, taking my hand in his again and squeezed it good before bringing it to his lips to kiss on my knuckles.

"Such a perfect gentleman" I gushed, blushing. My heart racing a mile per second.

And just a second later our food started to arrive. He made the reservations even before we got there.

Everything the restaurant served us, was eye tearing. All of them were my favourites.

He didn't have dreams of me thinning and that was his perfect own way of stating and confirming that he never cared about my size. He spoils me the best.

"Enjoy your meal, madam, Sir" I heard the waitress who took her time smiling at my man, eye f*cking him too boldly for my liking.

"May I help you, sister?" I asked her with a fake sweet smile.

"No, ma'am. I'm sorry I overstayed on your table" The waitress apologized superficially. Looking at my man pitifully like I bullied her or something.

"Just know your boundaries, next time" I replied nonchalantly.

I was pissed. And it must've shown on my face because I felt Chris's hand on my thigh the next second.

"That will be all, thank you" He said to the waitress who beamed gratefully before turning to leave us.

Practically, bouncing on her steps. Flushed. I wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment or excitement.

But either way, I was mad like hell.

"Don't tell me I just embarrassed you in front of all these good people here?" I sneered at Chris, pushing his hand away from my thigh.

"I only love you, wifey" He whispered, kissing my cheek lightly. More like a touch of his lips on my cheek skin lovingly, like I'd get a scratch if he put too much pressure on his kiss.

"Stop it, Chris. We are in public" I said blushing. Hard.

"And you are mine as I'm yours. Let them see...I'm sorry, I didn't handle that situation well" He said, caressing the cheek he just kissed.

"...Now can we dig in our hills before they get cold?" Asked Chris, with a teasing smile after he saw me melting in his touch like a lazy cat who's being rubbed on it's itchy parts.

"Don't you dare make me feel fat, today!" I warned before throwing myself at the all delicious food that was served for me. Begging me to eat them.

He gasped in horror "Who'd dare? Go on tell your husband, who dared to make you feel like a giant you are!" He said with a serious face making me roll my eyes at him.

"Now I understand why girls would rather make love to their food than dating men" I said, moaning from how amazing the food felt on my tongue.


I heard my name from Chris's strangled gruff voice making me open my eyes to see what made him call me in that 'ooh so f*cking hungry' way.

"What's wrong, husband?" I asked feigning innocence.

"I want to kiss you...,right here, right now. Can I?" He said punctuating every word, his blazing eyes locking on mine.

The beast was home, again.

"No!" I replied, squirming on my seat. My c*nt was already drenched and blinking.

"Do you even know, how f*cking hot you look when you wrap your lips on that spoon? Please, tell me why can't I kiss you right now?..." Chris asked in a strangled voice.

"Because I want you to save your energy and f*ck me senseless in the toilets later on!" I answered casually making him groan loudly.

"So scandalous! But, Would I sound crazy and immoral if I say I look forward to it?" Asked Chris playing with the end of my dress on my thighs.

"Behave, Chris!" I reprimanded him, slapping his hands away before taking a chicken drumstick and rub it in slow motion on my lips.

"...Or you won't be getting it from me, for a long, long ...looong time!" I said before taking that drumstick in my mouth for one powerful yet subtle suck. He went red. Dazed. Lost in my chewing lips.

"You there?" I asked the dazed boy in front of me.

"Ye ... Yes! Uumh, Let's continue eating, love. What to do you want to eat now?" Chris said gruffly before he cleared his throat, hands all over the table full of food, not really getting anything for himself making me laugh so hard that we even received some dissatisfied eyes our way.

And just as I promised, I dragged Chris to the restaurant's toilets, I didn't care the gender, really. Any toilet would do. I was out to fulfill my fantasies. Getting fucked in the public toilet, ranked first.

There were already men in there, going on about their businesses. Turns out we were in male's toilets.

"How's it going?" I greeted after entering the place while I was still dragging Chris behind me.

"Great...What da fuq? Am I seeing this right?" I heard some guy curse while others were safe to say, frozen in their tracks.

I didn't stop to gauge their reactions before I opened the nearest vacant toilet that was our witness to how I sucked on Chris's d*ck before he could take me roughly and nastily while I was on my knees, hairs pulled back by him while he was standing strong behind me.

Taking me from behind like a nasty dog or maybe I was just his broken sex toy that can only moan for words and call his name repeatedly, with each thrust of his d*ck in me without fail.

Yes, I was his to use in every way there was and God help us, we were still so young but he was changing me slowly or was it just us as a whole exploring other grounds of intimacy. We were curious and quite daring.

He made me feel powerful and dangerous.

But at the end of the day, we were still us. He was still Chris and I was still his 'darling baby' Beatrice.