Going Over the Past

The city within the walls of Emerald Tur was known for peace, and it's lively atmosphere. There was a time when Emerald Tur and Chung_Dee were living in harmony, then they used to do a lot of things together even most of their festivities were done together as well.

Until enmity entered, causing the two kingdoms to separate from one another. Emerald Tur is a city in Da Hills, while Chung_Dee was a city in Breda Kung.

They had a dispute concerning a certain land issue which caused a serious war amongst them. The city of Breda Kung started killing the people of Da Hills and Emerald Tur gates. Xu Jing, the Queen of Da Hills kingdom, mother of Xu Lee was killed while she was touring the vicinity. She was with none of her bodyguards which made their job easy as she was helpless and defendless.

' A ah,' Xu Jing cried out as she was pushed to the floor. She raised her head to see three men with an attire that belonged to the guards of Chung_Dee.

' Please spare my life,' she cried. ' lf you kill me, what will be your reward?'

' Your husband the king will be saddened and that is what Ching_Dee wants,' one of them said.

' But at least spare me for my daughter's sake.' Xu Jing pleaded.

' No your majesty.'' Another of the men said. ' Do you want to get us killed.'

' I will ask His Highness to put, please don't kill me,' Xu Jing pleaded again.

' Goodbye your majesty.' He said before stabbing her with a knife. They carried her to the gate of Emerald Tur and left her dead body there.

There was great sorrow that night, especially in the palace. The king and Xu Chen with Xu Lee were so anguished that the moaned her demise for a very long time. So the King declared a war and with so many pain in his heart, Da Hills won and up to this moment there has not been peace.


Xu Lee goes through her mother's belongings which her Father had kept save in his room. She picks a photo album and sat the edge of the bed, going through the pictures she had seen a thousand times before. There was one where Xu Jing was riding a horse with her father looking so happy and care free. She caresses the photo with her right thumb as tears runs down her face. lf only she wasn't outside the palace at time.... she signs as she stiffles a scream from coming out.

She was only two years at the time Xu Jing was killed, barely old enough to know her well. She took another photo where Xu Jing carried her in her arms with an expression of a very fulfilled mother, she had taken after her mother in beauty and in height while some said she took after her father's character. She brought the photo to her face and brushed a kiss on it.

Time alone was known to heal wounds, but why haven't hers healed yet? She gently puts all the photos in the album and returns it in her father's closet. As she made her way through the door, she ponders on what to do first. She decides on taking her shower before Grandma Chen and Xu Chong, the king comes down for breakfast.

Back in her room she undresses and dumps her dress in the wash cloth together with her nightie. She hates being waited by a maid, that was why she didn't have one. But the palace maidens dresses her bed and washes her clothes too. Her father was never in support of her denial of having a personal maid. But he had to give in to her demands as she was his only child.

Xu Lee got into her bathroom which has a sliding closet to it and turned the bathtub on. She filled the tub with cold water and foamed it before stepping in. She poured water on her body as she soaps right from her hair to her toe nails. Bathing with cold water was really the best as she enjoys the sensations she got from her passing goosebumps. After scrubbing herself thoroughly, she puts the shower on and stayed that way for like minutes. lt was what she considered a meditation therapy as it clears the mind of every sorrows.

Clad in a towel, she stepped out of the tub as she drained the tub dry. She dried herself and gently smeared scream on her body. Everyone admired her skin with her jet black hair. She quickly picked a dress up and got into it before sitting down to get the finishing touch done. The King sized mirror stood proudly near the closet, as she sat down in front of it. Right in front of her was a hair clip which slid through her hair. lf only she had curls, she wouldn't have owned any of these. She would have looked prettier enough to make Xiao Yaun to take interest in her.

She sighed as she got up from before and surveyed herself without satisfaction, reaching to pull a strand back behind her ear. She went to her wardrobe to look for the faintest cologne to use, and applied it on her body before going downstairs for breakfast.

Grandma Chen was not the type to be kept waiting especially during eating time. She always like to satisfy her little butties which does not fail in embarrassing her. She chuckled as she sighted Xu Chen picking from her plate.

She can't even wait for them to come back?

Xu Chong was not at the dining yet and Xu Lee went and backed hugged Grandma Chen.

' Good morning Grandma.' She greeted, while sniffing her hair which smelled of lavender.

' Morning Lee.' She replied, embarrassed that she was caught in her act, she mumured about how hungry she was.

' Oh Grandma Chen!' Xu Lee exclaimed. ' Was that why you had to pick from your food instead of eating properly like the Queen of Da Hills?'

' Oh dear.' She said, relieved that Xu Lee was not mad at her.

' Yes Grandma.' Xu Lee said, after taking her seat.

Just then his Highness came down with his royal entourage. He's dressed in a fine regalia that truly suited a powerful and mighty king. He walked towards them and before taking his seat at the head of the table, he went and gave Xu Chen a kiss on her cheek.

' Good morning Mother.' Xu Chong greeted, while rubbing her back.

' Did you sleep well.' She asked.

' Aye.' Xu Chong replied, as he dismissed his guards.

' Bless the food child.' Xu Chong said to Lee.

' Dear Father in heaven....
