
"Sir Zion, You have our attention. This is definitely not of Mana, but aside from that. How can showing Toril Continent would help this current predicament.?" The commander with all his might endured his emotion and choose to be sane for the sake of his people.

"Yes, of course. Azrealle Show Fort Snow..." As soon as it zoomed inn, it immediately shown the entirety of Fort Snow and the the people could even be seen moving. Although the image is not very clear, it was Realtime and shown in an angle above the fort. A commotion broke, murmurs, whispers and disbelief started to echoed inside the room while the commander was observing the hologram and looking at Zion from time to time meanwhile Zion was gazing at the commander confidently.

"If my Lord would command Sir Alex out of the castle into the garden then wave his sword in the sky, you will understand what I am showing you." Zion casually requested out of Sigmond to prove something for them and then Sigmond gestured for Alex.

Though Alex was hesitant to leave he could only go. "Azraelle Zoom in to the castle garden" They know already what Zion was showing to them but they need to confirm with their own eyes for them to escape the insanity they are in and somehow process later what is happening. And after a few moments Alex was seen hastily running towards the center of the garden, drawn his sword and waved it frantically at the sky. After a few waves he then run back inside the castle and into the meeting room.

As he entered, the room was silent and looking at him. All was in disbelief but they could not deny what they witnessed. And few minutes of contemplation the Commander finally spoke. He grabbed his forehead with one hand and slowly caressed his face into the tip of his beard and look at Zion in the eye.

"You mean to say this object can project the enemy anytime, anywhere?" The commander finally asked the proper question.

"Yes of course, I will show you." " Azraelle, search for any human gathering and movements anywhere near the borders of Fort Snow." And without hesitation, the hologram retracted, while the steel sphere with leg slightly twitched and then showed many projections at the center of the room. It showed Merchants, group of farmers, lumber jack and even adventurers who have jobs near the borders.

"Even lacking resources and manpower our chances of winning will significantly increase. So do you believe me now?" As Zion spoke he deliberately retracted the projection, to tease them slightly and break them from their stupor. They looked at each other with mixed emotions while others started already to whisper and discuss with each other.

"My fellow Lords, the decision and responsibility would be in my hands in this difficult time. We should not think of the consequences for now and focus on what we can do to protect our citizens. You were with me in my victories, and I am hopeful that you will be with me during this troubled times. I will be needing all your support and with this new development, we will surely deflect the enemies march. I alone will handle the consequences, my fellow lords can have my word." Although some of the lords were still contemplating, the others have already decided. It was out of the ordinary, but even kissing the devils hands to save their fort, they would surely not hesitate.

"My lord, rest assured that me and my men are with you with this. Please share with me this burden." "I have dedicated my strength all my life with you my lord, I will not back down any moment no matter what. please command us." One by one they agreed and seems to understand and accepted the great responsibility ahead.

The lord looked at everyone then nodded. "Command your men to prepare while we continue to discuss." After settling down they started to discuss what will be their actions, while Zion was controlling the holograms shown, they carefully plan their ambushes and attacks. They even bicker and argue from time to time, but all was for a good reason. They were careful when dealing with their soldiers and the citizens lives on the line. After a few ours of planning with Zion, the plan was finally established and many back-up options were in place, each lords was put on individual roles. But before they could adjourn the meeting the commander and nobles spoke with Zion and explained their sentiment.

"Sir Zion, we are deeply indebted at this moment. We will not be able to pay you anyway possible but rest assured that we will be forever indebted to you. Also the thing you showed us....this machine...where is the mana channeled?" The commander and even the lords tried to make sense of the device but could not think of any so when the commander asked they were thrilled to know also.

"Before I answer you queries commander, what is this mana you are talking about? And besides we still have time while the soldiers are preparing" Zion already has an idea of mana but was like to ascertain something, it was just unlucky that there are no books that can explain energy X in detail.

"Ah, yes. your country might not have the details and even here information is very limited or rather restricted. The mana I'm talking about is life itself, the mana is further divided into forms. but I will not delve into that further, for now I will tell you the basics. As I have said, life itself is mana. It is present in every living things, the second form of mana is what bonds the living, the dead and the spirits or elementals and the last one would be the free energy. The first energy is finite in living things but could be replenish through some processes, the second one is a bit complicated and it needs more time for explaining and the last one would be the mana surrounding us everywhere which could also be harness but would be very difficult and slow. your machine there seems to produce light but we could not see were the mana came from or how is it processed so its a mystery to us. And I should warn you that anything out of the ordinary, others would be jealous and curious and most specially the church would label it as evil. We could not blame the churches and other organization because there are instances in our history that suffered because of malpractices of mana, that is why the very information of it is regulated and restricted. I hope you would understand our sentiment."

Zion was, flabbergasted. He was did not account the consequences of his actions in the entirety of the planet. He was rush.

"I apologize for my rush behavior but I assure you there is no evil and bad of this thing, and It is not my intention to bring any harm and negative consequence to the fort. I would try to explain it in a very understandable way." After that Zion explained that electricity powered the device and the Realtime data is coming from the satellites that was deployed at space. of course he did not explain how the hologram works and other minor details. While he was explaining the hologram also shows a simple animation of the inside of the device.

"Sir Zion, although we don't doubt any of what you said. Other would think otherwise so I would advice you to be careful in using any of your devices, and also. I would ask my fellow lords to keep this secret even in your family, this would bring harm to our benefactor if not handled carefully." The Nobles nodded in serious manner as they understood clearly the severity of the situation.