
"But Azraelle,..." Zion have many questions but Azraelle knowing his question added some information. {The Cybernetic Fusion will let the host body evolve but will not affect the mind, just like the inhabitants on this planet that able to harness mana the Cybernetic Nanobots are already able to harness mana, and in Fusing with the Cybernetic Nanobots with the capability of harnessing mana will ultimately support the body in achieving long life. Ultimately the Cybernetic Nanobots will slowly transform the body overtime into a fully fused state making artificial components the new living organism. And we know that artificial components tend to degrade but mana will help renew the components. As to how the body would ultimately evolve is an area I am not able to calculate at this time, the analysis I have recently concluded is it is safe.} The three of them were awestricken. It was something that even them as highly advanced humans would hard believing, but they were skeptic of the idea.

"Azraelle, Nanobots ultimately help us advanced our civilization but it was limited and lacking. But having said this, your saying that it might be the key to further developing the human beings. After so many millennia of searching new materials and ultimately exhausting all ideas, mana was the key all along." "One thing separates other components from biological ones are its property to self repair and multiply, but if these components will have the ability of biological components would create a ton of possibility."

"Azraelle, compile all data on this, and create a presentation for us to study further." Zion who have many things on his mind was stricken again by a dilemma.

"Sire, this opportunity should not be missed. " Kumar was excited of the prospect of living many long years. And lent seemed to agree.

"Kumar, Lent. Humans can do many things because of his limited lifespan, we can love, and be productive because of these weakness. This undertaking is very attractive but it would mean leaving behind humanity and entering the unknown." Zion was shaking as thought of the idea of living forever or even just living longer that normal humans do. After his statement to them, the two became quite and though the idea thoroughly, it seems they understood the consequences. It must not be decided hastily and should take into consideration.

After settling down inside they ultimately got out from the Queen Bee Pod which they call QB Utility Vehicle V1 or QBUV ver.1. It was in the middle of the night when they got out and most of the people were sleeping. Though the QBUV don't need any guards, the elders and the military heads, ultimately decided that they assign a force dedicated to Zion and they call it Royal Guards. With a tight fit clothes they usually wore as comfortable clothes, it made the muscles and shape of their body visible especially for Kumar who was built while it shows the perfect body of Lent. After all they undergone military training even as royal bloods.

"Azraelle, show me the progress." After the command a hologram from his bracelet was shown, the projects were divided into a list and beside the project name are gauges that show how many percentage it currently have, it even showed some projects that are temporarily halted due to minor issues. Irrigations, Bridges, mining, etc. and road widenings were the main projects. And after checking with the moral of the people, it showed 60% satisfaction, though it was far from 100%. The venture was just starting and they still have little achievement aside from the war which most people did not know Zion's contribution and the remaining was just being told that Zion was ultimately the savior.

"Sire, they are well fed and have adequate sleep but the others are still uncertain, specially that we are inside the forest and even after the explanations of our plans through the elders and military officials, they are skeptical of the future." Lent explained as she was assigned to cater the needs of the people.

"This is according to plan, we will continue the flow and observe for now." "Azraelle, is there news of the sultans?" {Yes sire, two of the five tribes near the mining sites were cooperative, while the remaining three are still on the process of settlement, I have instructed for more gifts and offerings but because of the recent loss from war. They are still in doubt of the true happenings.} "Our only target for now is to mine the crystals, but if it needs be. We might need to use force if we are delayed, extreme options is necessary if it needs be, in this manner the sultans will know of our sentiments. No matter how we respects them and provide, we have our limitations and guidelines, and if the plan is delayed it will increase our risk of failing. Use force if necessary" {As you wish sire.}

Around the edge of the dark forest are the feet of the mountains settles the sultans and their tribes. A tribe is basically a group of people like a village ruled by a sheikh and every town or small city which they call sultanate is composed of many tribes though some of the cities are undeveloped and is not a formal city they are still ruled by Sultans which serves as the ruler and monarch of the group of tribes. The sultans in this area was called lost sultans, as they are a defeated kingdom ruled by a Malik and ultimately escaped in this continent but failed to consolidate their people because of the death of their last Malik. Some Sultans from time to time tried to unite them but always failed and eventually for them to settle down as divided but still continuously communicate with each other especially when outsiders will try to conquer them.

Along with the vast dark forest and the mountains that surround the edge of it were a natural defense, the enemies will have no choice but to traverse the dark forest to attack them, but the terrain alone would hinder a large attack and it is one reason that no one conquered them. The second was there is no huge benefit in doing so aside from claiming a very vast forest and territory which would be difficult to cultivate, and many other civilization tried but failed, and even the Ruin that Zion and his people stayed was an evidence that testifies the harsh environment inside the Dark Forest. It lead to the sultans living at the edge of it and some inside the forest but ultimately just near the edge.

The Sultanate people were adept in hunting, farming, gathering, small mining and trade. They trade what they can cultivate, hunt and mine in their area in exchange for food products and spices which they could not cultivate. Because of the lavish forest, they have no problem with meat and beast products. They also mine small amounts of salt for consumption and trade the surplus of it, and most of them are well versed in body strengthening which belongs to fighter class of mana users. They use it in hunting and war and even in cultivating some lands in the harsh forest.