Power Levels

Tell me if some things are false and all. It's hard to put the cultivations realms in Tier so help me a little if something doesn't make sense for you and tell me why. Try to argue a little with some proof if possible.

Against the Gods:

Elementary Profound Realm = Tier 9 -> 9-B (Wall Level) MAX

Nascent Profound Realm = Tier 8 -> 8-C (Building Level) MAX

True Profound Realm = Tier 8 -> 8-A (Multi-City Block Level) MAX

Spirit Profound Realm = Tier 7 -> Low 7-C (Small Town Level) MAX

Earth Profound Realm = Tier 7 -> 7-B (City Level) MAX

Sky Profound Realm = Tier 7 -> High 7-A (Large Mountain Level) MAX

Emperor Profound Realm = Tier 6 -> Low 6-B (Small Country Level) MAX

Tyrant Profound Realm = Tier 6 -> 6-A (Continent Level) MAX

Sovereign Profound Realm = Tier 5 -> 5-C (Moon Level) MAX

True God Realm = Tier 3 -> 3-B (Multi-Galaxy Level) MAX

Creation God Realm = Tier 2 -> 2-B (Multiverse Level) MAX

Ancestral God Realm = Tier 1 -> High 1-B (High Hyperverse Level) MAX