Hi guys!
I writing this on a sudden impulse so it way not be very clear but I needed it.
I'm sorry. I did not intend to drop this fic. I had so many ideas and things I wanted to do with this story but somethings happened and I didn't know where I was.
You can see that I deleted the last three chapters. They were ones made in collaboration with someone and although it could be a very good idea, and they had very good ideas and ways to make the story better, I quickly noticed it was not my cup of tea. Although I'm open to suggestions and ways to improve the story, I'm not someone that like to do things in conjunction with someone else.
When I'm doing something with someone, be it at school, helping out,... I quickly lose motivation and let them most of it, which is something I don't like.
My moto is : "Find ways to make it easy to make less"
And making something with someone is, in my case, applying this moto.
It's for that that I like to make things myself, in my own way and rhythm.
Unfortunately my motivation is very fickle and going back to continue this fic will be difficult if not impossible. But I really want to continue this story, going back to writing my ideas and depicting my vision of the ideal futanari degenerate.
This message is to say sorry and thank you to you all.
I want to come back and I may.
Finally thank you to you who extended this invitation, writing this story and conversing with you was a good and valuable experience.
I don't want to mention your name without your authorisation. If you see this don't hesitate to advertise your incredible work in the comments.
I wish you all the best.