Ch5 The Goddess of Light, P2

Chapter 5: The Goddess of Light (2)



Kye and company showed up at the food court and found Louise already waiting for them. She waved them over, surprised to see Isabel with them. They exchanged greetings with Kye insisting for her to drop the "lady" title, as she did with Isabel, since they were both students. Situated on the edge of the academy that bordered the city, the academy food court was the largest in Arslade and open to the public. It held the same security as the academy proper and members of the public were required to consent to that before entering.

The area the girls chose had several popular specialty stores for burgers, pizzas, tacos, and more. Louise offered to treat them, but Kye insisted on using her own "credit" to cover the transaction.

I haven't had a lot of opportunities to become accustomed to this method of exchange. There isn't a standard form of currency, rather contribution to society tracked and everyone is required to maintain a minimum to be allowed luxury transactions. While basic living is free, stuff like household utilities, food, water, and some transportation, going out to eat at restaurants and the like is not. Nobody knows how much contribution they have unless they are low. The system warns them if their habits outweigh their contributions. It's not like a bank account in a regular world that you can just check whenever you want. It's a complex system that's managed by the System.

I've experienced a lot of different government structures, but this is the first time that I've seen a functioning currency-less structure. We buy luxury with what is basically our reputation, and that technically could be considered currency, but it's not that simple. Everyone is required to maintain a minimum contribution to do anything not considered essential for living. I think it works so well because this world is capable of enforcing the concept of "there are no people who are capable of doing nothing", thanks to how advanced the society is and magic on top of that.

All companies are run by the government, which means all medical facilities are run by the government, and they absolutely will heal you no matter the physical ailment, though depending on the severity it may take time for a skilled-enough doctor to become available. Even blindness and deafness can be healed enough to be usable. Mental ailments are healed on a case-by-case basis; some are best left alone and there exists a list of mental impairments that are allowed to be healed, creatively dubbed "The Allowed Mental List". Some, such as ASD are not on the list and the government will assist in finding a job you are capable of. The government will always provide training when it is necessary.

As with anything, the system has a lot more to it, but in general, people who contribute more are able to make more luxury transactions. I could understand an argument that this is technically a currency, but eh... it works and keeps people honest. People like me who have contributed a lot to society are generally allowed to "buy" whatever we want. I invented aethersteel, even if it's not publicly called that, and I have created many spells. So, I have a lot of contribution built up, and I don't mind "paying". Sometimes I have to be pushy about it though...

"So, you've come to me because you haven't been able to successfully over-enchant?" Kye asked. "And you want to treat me and company in exchange for advice?"

Louise nodded. "It sounds somewhat dirty when you put it that way. I don't want to exchange advice for treating you to food, but rather I wanted to treat you as thanks for making time for this."

Kye shrugged. "To be honest, I didn't have to make time. We probably would have come here for lunch anyway. I'll help you, but you have to let me cover it. My contribution is kinda bonkers... so, I like to use it when I can." She noticed Louise was trying to hide some frustration and immediately apologized. "Look, I really appreciate you wanting to thank me for meeting with you and I understand that as an archnoble you must have significant contribution yourself, but..." Kye struggled to put her reasoning into words, but Alethea knew what she was thinking.

"What she's trying to say is that she's very happy that you have taken an interest in her work and wants to both treat you and help you as thanks," Alethea explained.


"I see," Louise said. "Well... uh..."

An idea popped into Kye's head. "You cover lunch this time, and I'll cover lunch next time!"

Louise was taken aback. "Next time? B-but-"

"No buts!" Kye said adamantly. "Until you have succeeded and are confident in continuing on your own, I will help you with it! So... we'll occasionally have lunch together!"

"Translation: let's be friends!" Alethea added.


"That goes for you, too, Isabel."


Alethea's attempt to embarrass Kye succeeded, and she smirked at the blonde. Kye turned around and covered her ears in a vain attempt to block out Alethea's voice.

Louise and Isabel both smiled and said, "I'd be happy to be friends!"


"Goddess, I could eat hamburgers every day!" Kye said as she dug in.


Alethea, Aliana, and Liliana did not like that idea. Kye froze mid-bite and glanced between all three of them. Each had a firm "no" expression. Louise and Isabel were surprised at the sudden "no" and froze, too. They were also eating hamburgers. Alethea, Liliana, and Aliana chose salads. Aliana even glared at Kye.


"Princess, your eating habits lately have been very poor."

"Huh?" Kye hesitantly took another bite.

"As your attendant, I cannot abide the Crown Princess of Nippon Sekai falling into an unhealthy diet!" Aliana used her strange magic to make Kye's fries intangible and halfway invisible.

"Hey!" Kye hurriedly tried to grab a fry but couldn't. "You quit that!"

"No, Princess. I must improve your diet by any means necessary!"

The two glared at each other. Liliana was unsure what to do, and Alethea watched intently. Isabel and Louise exchanged worried glances, having chosen the same meal.

"I finally have the freedom to choose and not even you will stand in the way of tasty food!" Kye was adamant.

"But stand in the way I must!" Aliana refused to back down. "Your father, the King of Nippon Sekai, has ordered me to keep your diet healthy."

Kye narrowed her glare. "Are you an attendant of Zen Akari I or an attendant of Kye Akari?"

"I am a loyal attendant and guard knight of my lady, Kye Akari. It is my duty to protect you from all things, unhealthy diets included!"

"Wow... they just keep going..." Alethea said. She turned and whispered to Isabel and Louise, "Got any ideas?" The too rapidly shook their heads, not wanting to get in the middle of the argument. Suddenly, Liliana chopped both offenders on the head and glared at the two of them. They immediately stopped. Alethea gave her a thumbs-up. "Nice, Lily."

Liliana let out an exasperated sigh as she returned to her seat. "I love you dear sister, but you must not overstep. Our lady's orders are absolute to us, even against a ruler."

Aliana unhappily returned to her salad while Kye happily returned to her hamburger and fries. Alethea whispered to Liliana, "Kye's gonna pay for this later, isn't she?"


After finishing her meal, a satisfied Kye stood up and stretched. "That was so good!" Aliana glared at her, but she ignored it. "So, Louise, what are you having trouble with specifically?"

"Oh, uh," she said before finishing up her own meal. "Apologies. I am having trouble with the over-enchanting process. I understand that it is necessary to channel just the right amount of divine mana with a very slim margin of error for too much or too little."


"I believe I am having trouble with maintaining an even flow. I've created many piles of metal dust."

"Uh..." Kye turned to Alethea. "Did you-?"

"I never had a failure like that," she said.


"Is that not what is supposed to happen for a failure?" Louise asked, genuinely curious.

"No, not at all," Kye said. "I have not heard of a single occurrence of producing metal dust from over-enchanting." She folded her arms and sat back, eyes closed and in thought.

"I haven't tried to over-enchant yet myself," Isabel said. "I had trouble completing a regular enchant. It takes a lot of mana to enchant, so I've been working more on capacity than control and haven't gone back to try again in a while."

"Louise, are all your failures like that? Not some?" Kye asked.

"Yes, all of them."

"When were you going to try again?"

"After lunch. I was planning to spend the whole day trying with rests between."

"Rests are good. Do you mind if I come to observe? I may be able to get an idea if I see one of your attempts. I'd also like to examine the metal dust."

"Of course, you are welcome to join me anytime!"

Kye smiled. "Thank y-" She stopped short with her gaze suddenly shifting. Alethea was looking in the same direction. Liliana and Aliana were quick to transform their weapons into katanas. Kye released light aether and formed a barrier around the group.

"Divine mana?" Isabel jumped up. "What's going on?"

A well-dressed, black-haired man was walking toward the group, having appeared out of nowhere only a moment before. "Greetings, Lady Kye Akari and Lady Alethea Atlantis. I am Shiro Shikigami. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Kye and Alethea's eyes widened, and they froze. They'd heard that name before. Liliana and Aliana were already on guard, and their lady's reaction only reinforced them. Alethea soon broke out of it, but Kye was in shock. She did not move or even blink. Her barrier and light aether disappeared.

"Kye?" Louise and Isabel were trying to shake Kye out of her shock to no avail. Liliana and Aliana were getting increasingly worried to the point that they immediately released their own aether at full power.

"Step no closer," Liliana commanded, her katana pointed at the man. "State your business. We will not allow-"

"Lily, Ally, jump away now!" Alethea shouted. She released her white aether with her weapon already transformed into a katana and jumped forward just in time to block an attack from the man long enough for Liliana and Aliana to retreat, though she was quickly sent flying back from the force. She caught herself in midair before she hit anything.

"I spoke two names," the man said. "No others are permitted to speak to me."

Alethea quickly closed the gap and stood between everyone and the mystery man. She flared her aether tremendously, to the point that it would attract instructors, as was her intention. She knew the name and she felt the power behind his attack.

"I'm afraid your backup will not be coming," he said. "I'm quite aware of the security measures here and have blocked their function temporarily, though even that will be detected before long."

"What do you want?" Alethea asked, hiding none of her anger.

"Is that any way to greet an old friend?"

"You are not Shiro Shikigami. I don't know how you even know that name, but I assure you that man's soul is in Eden."

"I see. I just wanted to be sure."

"Of his soul? No, I expect not."

"Correct, not of his soul, but yours."

Alethea's glare sharpened and Kye finally broke from her shock, but she only watched.

"I already suspected, but now I know who you are," he said. "With my goal for today achieved, I shall take my leave. In my stead, I shall leave you with some playthings. Try not to die. But, if you do happen to fail be sure to give my regards to Lady Eve." He vanished.

"Princess, are you okay?" Liliana shouted. "Speak to me!"

The look on Kye's face was one of concern. Alethea looked back at her with the same expression.

"Princess!" Aliana shouted.

Isabel and Louise were confused. Together, Kye and Alethea ran outside with their group following. They looked up and saw a large rift in the sky with countless black creatures pouring out of it.


Revision: 7-13-2023