Ch11: Honeymoon, P1

Chapter 11: Honeymoon (1)



I really don't want to ask her to do this. She has severe dysphoria about it. I'll be sure to have a conversation with Eve about allowing her to be born male. For now, we need to take care of the adoption. I need to get that over with so we can figure this out.

Kye took a seat across from the commoner family that Kaede was born into. There were four chairs, two on either side of a table, and a desk overlooking them with ornate bookshelves, pictures, and other decorations covering the walls. The Light King sat behind the desk as a witness, and Alethea was holding baby Kaede, sitting next to Kye. The parents left the other child at the hospital to be cared for by the nurse temporarily.

"Your Highness, will we be able to see the child again after this adoption?" the mother asked.

Alethea answered in Kye's place. "This isn't exactly the same, but I went through a very similar situation. I was born a commoner in an orphanage. I was kidnapped immediately after birth and my mother, Empress Atalante, saved me. She discovered my white mana and adopted me right away. My birth mother passed away in childbirth and that was the last time I ever saw my birth father. I can't say for certain if that it is or isn't allowed, I am the first royal adoption in history. This girl will be the second."

"There are no real standards for royal adoptions considering they are so rare, but there are standards for royals," Kye said. "For the sake of clarity, and as heir to the throne," she shot a glance at her father, who nodded in return, "I shall set precedence here and now. It would be best that you do not expect to see the girl again after we finalize the adoption." The parents were instantly heartbroken. "I apologize for having to say this, but that's how it needs to be. I will not give you false hope and say that you may remain in her life. Nobles and royals are raised in private until age eighteen. We receive private education throughout childhood and immediately begin attending the royal academy on Alcanus once coming of age. By the time she is allowed to socialize, she very well may not choose to reunite with you. I can say for certain she will not be permitted to see you until then, and it must be a mutual agreement afterward. If you do not wish to see her, she will not be permitted to meet you regardless, and if she does not wish to see you, then you will not be permitted to meet her. That's on a personal level. Another royal or noble would handle any professional business between you and the state that may arise."

"I… see…" the father said. "My apologies, I have not learned much of noble society."

"No apologies necessary. Commoners are not expected to know the finer details of noble society."

"Please take good care of her. She will have a much better life as a royal. It is a great honor to have our leaders take interest in our child."

"Yes," the mother said. "If she decides to see us, we will agree to meet her, but otherwise we will pray for her from afar. Thank you so much for taking in our child."

Kye nodded and brought up a holographic screen over the table. "This is the adoption agreement. You need only sign your names." The parents nodded and quickly read the agreement. It wasn't very long and only stated two things.

The child shall become a member of the Akari Royal Family and henceforth carry the Akari family name.

2. The birth parents relinquish all rights regarding the child to the Akari Royal Family.

Below the two statements were places for signatures. One for each birth parent, Kye, Alethea, and the royal or noble witnessing the adoption.

After all five signed it, Alethea asked, "Does she have a name?"

"We got so caught up in everything else that we forgot to even ask that?" Kye said.

"She does not. Even without the agreement, it would be our honor to have her receive a name from a member of royalty," the mother said.

"Very well," Alethea said. "She'll have the Akari family name." She looked at Kye, who knew instantly what Alethea was thinking.


Alethea nodded. "Kaede." The girl in her arms cheered as best as an infant could.

"We'll handle the birth papers." Kye glanced between Kaede and the parents. She felt a tinge of guilt and turned to her father. "King Zen."

She had his full attention. "Yes?"

"Recall a recent royal council meeting where I voiced concerns about the sheltered upbringing."

"I recall, yes."

"I have yet to meet my grandparents, aside Charles. I have never met Hannah or your parents. My restricted childhood was…" she sighed and turned to the parents. "This part doesn't leave this room, is that clear?"

The two agreed and looked at the Light King for his approval, which he gave.

"Listen. Today, the Imperial Crown Princess here and I married. When we were engaged, the empress elevated my rank. As such, I am an imperial royal. I do not approve of this overly sheltered upbringing. While what I have already stated is currently true, I will be fighting to make it false. If all goes well, in the next few years, noble and royal children will be allowed to meet people. If that happens, Kaede will be permitted to see you much sooner, if she wishes. I don't like the idea of keeping you away from her, or keeping siblings apart…"

Zen stood up and walked around the desk. "If this bothers you to this extent, Kye, I will permit private meetings, regardless. I agree that, at minimum, the siblings should be allowed to stay together. Even with the law how it is, everything is down to interpretation by the local cardinal governor."

"In other words, you."

I have… She signed mentally and moved on from the thought.

"Yes." The King turned to the parents. "All of this is off the record, from the moment the papers were signed. If you wish to voice concerns or frustrations, please feel free to do so. There will be no consequences."

The mother breathed a sign of relief. "I worry about them growing up apart."

"If I were not allowed to see my siblings, I would have been very upset," Kye said. She quickly shared her contact information with the two parents. "Remember. This is all off the record. If asked, you cannot mention this to anyone short of another Nippon Sekai royal."

"Thank you, Your Highness," the parents said in unison."

Kye smiled. "Now, I must cut our meeting from here. I apologize, but we have other pressing business. Our schedule has been overfilled today, so we must make the most of our time."

The parents nodded and said their goodbyes and thanks. Liliana escorted them back to the hospital and quickly returned afterward.

"Very well handled," the king said. "Aside from asking about the name beforehand, I would have handled this situation no differently. I've already filled out the paperwork virtually. You should have the child's identification and other necessary papers in your inboxes now."

"That fast?" Kye asked.

"I've been the Light King for a long time. Paperwork comes with the territory, so I streamlined it. I filled it out as you were speaking. I only needed to add the name."

"Thank you, father."

The king nodded and shooed them away. "Go now. I suggest visiting Lady Hannah for a few days. As was already mentioned, there's a great resort on Atlas. A good place for a honeymoon. Now go. Pick up the redheads and go have fun. Shoo." He made hand motions to match his verbal shooing.

Kye and Alethea were somewhat taken aback, but did as he said. Their first stop was Kye's private residence in the palace. Adele and Michelle were already there with Atalante. She quickly amended the marriage license once all four were in the room, then left. Adele and Michelle already had luggage with them, as did Alethea. All of them expected to be going on some sort of honeymoon, so they were prepared. Kye quickly packed and the group then went to the gate room in the palace. On the other side, in Atlantis, they met up with Ginchiyo and Alexandra before leaving for the Central Gateway.

Allison was waiting for them at the entrance.


Revision: 2024-1-22