Ch17: A Big Mistake, P3

Chapter 17: A Big Mistake, P3



"You were talking about wanting another baby last year. I told you I was going to start taking the medicine."

Michelle took her turn to be shocked. "You did. I remember now." She looked up at Alethea. "Did you know?"

Alethea nodded. "I did, yeah. She mentioned it a few nights in a row, and we agreed to it."

Kye quickly pulled the sheet over her head and mumbled something that nobody could understand.

"Come again, hon?" Hannah said.


Her three wives collectively gasped.

"You FORGOT?" Michelle sighed. "Mein gott. Kye, what?"

"You even agreed to Adele taking the medicine!" Alethea said. "How did you forget it existed? That's skipping an entire step! Never mind forgetting that you agreed to her taking the medicine. Nah, let's forget the medicine itself."

Kye pulled the sheet down enough to reveal her eyes. "I don't remember that conversation. Are you sure I agreed to it?"

The three collectively sighed.

"How could I forget in the first place?" Kye was thinking about it from a different angle. "Our genetics are…" She looked over at Hannah. "I want to get an examination later. But let's not worry about that right now."

Hannah nodded. "Whatever you need, hon."

Kye smiled, then looked back at Alethea, then pulled the sheet back over her face. "Still, though. It was a little embarrassing with mom earlier."

"What do you mean?" Adele asked.

"Nevermind, Adele," Michelle said.

"What? Wait, I'm confused."

Alethea smirked. "I, for one, would not have been nearly as willing had you three not gotten me drunk that night, so I have NO PROBLEM embarrassing my sweet Shi-chan all over again."

"Alethea, don't you dare!" Kye came out from under the sheet, her face very red.

"Our dear wife-"


"-here didn't know-"


"-which one of us planted the seed-"


"-so she basically admitted to doing it with both of us!"

Silence washed over the room as everyone looked at Kye's red face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and her upset eyes were locked on Alethea. "Saya-chan, I'm gonna get you back for that."

Hannah giggled. "Kye, hon, you don't need to be embarrassed over that. Your mother didn't tell anyone, and I won't either. We're doctors! And the only others that know are your own spouses!"

"Yeah, I don't see the problem," Adele shrugged. "Who gives a shit what married people do in the privacy of their bedroom?"


Alethea stuck her tongue out. "That's what you get for getting me drunk…" a chill went up her spine, but she shook her head. "No. I said I was okay with it. It's been years since our first pregnancy. I said it was fine if it's for my love's pleasure, because your pleasure is my pleasure."

Kye smiled and reached out to her. Alethea hesitantly stepped closer, and Kye pulled her close, holding the pink-haired girl's head to her chest. "You don't have to lie to yourself to justify anything. If you don't like such things in, don't tell yourself it's okay even if it's for our sakes. You want us to enjoy ourselves, but we want you to enjoy yourself, too."

"Well…" She closed her eyes, not willing to risk meeting anyone's eyes. "I did enjoy it."

Kye pulled her away and forced her to look her in the eyes. "Hold up, you did?"

Alethea shyly nodded. "I did."

"I don't like having this thing," Adele interjected. "But, unlike our lovely pinky here, I've experienced this thing in multiple lives. I'd attribute her enjoying it to being a girl. Estrogen does things. Even with the male parts, the experience is much more intense post-transition than pre-transition."

"I wouldn't know," Kye said. "Alethea, was it actually good for you? You're not lying to justify it, are you?"

She shook her head. "No. I'm not. If not for the insane stress the first time around, I'd probably have thought the same. But this time I was drunk, and I had years to prepare myself for round two. So my inhibitions were not there this time. I actually did enjoy it, despite not liking this thing being on my body."

Kye smiled and patted Alethea's head. "So long as you enjoyed it, love. I know I did. You were very good that night."

Alethea's face reddened, and she pulled Kye's sheet over herself.

"Heh. Got ya back sooner than I expected."

"SHI-CHAN!" She came out from under the sheet in an instant and marched over to Hannah, who had surrounded herself with a soundproof barrier with her eyes closed. She poked the barrier and dispelled it. "Hey! How much of that did you hear?!"

"I cut myself off at 'that doesn't help'. I figured it was about to get where you lot wouldn't want even your doctor hearing stuff, so…"

"Thank you for that." Alethea took a moment to compose herself, taking a few deep breaths and letting the atmosphere of dense mana calm her senses. "Since we're on this topic with only us and our doctor in the room… Hannah, did you hear from Evelyn?"

Hannah's expression turned sad. Alethea could only be asking about one thing, and Hannah had only bad news. "I'm sorry. I did hear from her, but she's still booked for months. She said she's going on vacation toward the end of the year for a few months and that she's also booked for a long time next year, too. It looks like the earliest she can fit you in is summer next year, if you schedule right away. She's always booked way ahead because of her reputation."

Alethea looked down and held her left arm with her right hand. "Oh."

Alethea was told she'd have to wait until she was legally twenty years old to undergo Sex Reassignment Surgery. Evelyn promised to perform the procedure years ago, but her reputation as the greatest doctor in the Atlantis Empire has her schedule filled for years at a time with a very long waitlist. So despite having already turned twenty a few years ago, she was still waiting.

"I do have some small degree of good news, though, if you are open to a little hope." Alethea nodded timidly at Hannah. "I don't want to give you any false hope, but if you're open to the idea, I could take your case. I've done plenty of SRS procedures in my time. Layla and Atalante have been observing both Evelyn's and my SRS operations so they can assist. I'm more than confident that I can take care of you."

"I…" Alethea never considered having anyone else do it. Evelyn promised years ago to do it, and Alethea was big on promises. She felt obligated to have Evelyn do it. "I don't know. Evelyn promised…"

"Is it okay if I discuss it with her, at least? I don't want to make this any harder for you, so if you're at all uncomfortable with even answering that, it's okay."

"No, it's not that. I just…"

"Talk to her about it," Kye said. "There's no harm in discussing it."

Hannah shook her head. "I can't without her permission. You saying that-"

"Stop there." The look in Kye's eyes left no room to argue. "Alethea and I had this discussion over ten years ago. I can make any medical decision for her. She can refuse treatment after that decision is made, but I can decide for her if she can't decide for herself."

"But she is right here and can clearly speak for herself." Hannah normally would be right, but Alethea nodded her head when she looked at her.

"She's never been comfortable discussing this subject. Her courage doesn't last long when the subject begins."

"As long as she's given consent for your decision making…" Hannah sighed and glanced at Michelle.

"It's true. I agree with Kye," Michelle said. She glanced at Adele, who also agreed.

Hannah sighed, but relented. "Alright. We need to formalize this at some point, but since consent is given, I'll go ahead and talk to Evelyn."

""Be sure to discuss the promise,"" said Kye and Michelle.

Just then, the door opened and in came Alfia. "Little Sister! I heard the news." She had an evil smile that sent a chill up all four girls' spines.


Revision: 2024-6-5