Chapter 36 - Elise Aindrea P12
"Are Aria and Rhia anyone we know?" Layla asked. "You went quite far for Rhia."
"As a matter of fact..."
"I'm Eirlys Llywelyn," Michelle said. "A-K-A Aria. After the World Tower, I took Eli's surname and my original first name, Adara Alexandria. And yes, the very timid and shy Rhianon is none other that our lovely Adele. Even back then, she was subjected to dysphoria. Eli here was a miracle worker, even as a count's daughter."
"Adele?" Layla said.
"Yes... Rhianon is me. After the World Tower, I did the same thing as Maya and Adara. I became Adele Alexandria."
"I see."
"And just so you all know," Luma said, not bothering to wait for anyone to ask. "Helena is me, and I became Luma Alexandria after the World Tower."
"Hmm... wait that just clicked," Athy said. "You took on Eli's surname, too? Were you perhaps-"
"I did not become her partner, no. I took the name as her retainer, nothing more."
I smirked. "She's telling the truth. Despite all four of us trying many times, Luma never once agreed to a date with any of us."
"You tried?" Athy asked, eyeing Luma. "So then... why not? Do you simply not have feelings for any of them, Luma?"
"Please don't make me answer that."
This has been a long time coming.
I stood up and slowly walked over to her. "My greatest guard knight, my sword saint, one of my best friends, but never one to return my love. She knows very well how much I care for her." I reached down and took her hand.
"Please don't say these things in front of everyone," Luma said hesitantly, lightly pulling her hand back, but I wouldn't let go. "I..."
"You will not lie if pressed to answer, because of your oath, but also because of your oath you hold to your position as no more than my guard knight. I could order you to be honest with yourself and express your true feelings, even act on them. But out of respect for your free will and decision to uphold your oath, I have never done that."
"And I thank you for-"
I snapped my finger and a soundproof-lightproof barrier surrounded us, giving off its own light inside so that we could still see. "Until now."
Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. "W-wh..."
"Luma Valentine," I said, using her original name.
"-I order you-"
"Please don't..."
"-To break your-"
"-oath to the Alexandria Family."
She fell from her chair and to her knees, but never broke eye contact. "You're ordering me not to defy my oath... but to break it entirely?"
"But... what if..."
"Say it."
"What if I betray you?"
"You betraying me is the last thing I'm worried about."
"You're being careless!"
I shook my head. "Quite the opposite. I don't need an oath from you, Luma. I've put up with the hindrances that come with it for long enough. The oath was never to make me trust you or believe in you. It was for you and you alone. Your oath is holding you back."
"What about Sanae? What would she say?"
"The same thing," came Sanae's voice as she entered the barrier. "I was only going to step in if you asked that. Since you did, I'll say it too. Break your oath."
A light stream of tears rolled down Luma's face as she looked down. "I... I can't. You're only her halves. You can't make me break my oath!"
I sighed. "What is the last thing Elise said to you?"
"She told me to protect you, even from yourselves."
"No," Sanae said. "She said be true to yourself. You know damn well she wants the same for you that we do. Don't even try to use that excuse."
"We're not ordering you to return our feelings," I said. "That goes against our morals and we care about your free will. We want you to choose want you want for yourself, not to be a slave to an oath you made forever ago." I looked up at Sanae, and we gave each other a nod.
""Break. Your. Oath. Now.""
Her loyalty was in conflict. Never before had she ever questioned an order, but it was written all over her face. She desperately wanted to defy this order.
"Please, don't force me to do this."
"I'll have no more arguments," I said. I took both her and Sanae's hand, and pulled them into our soul world. Our elder sister was there waiting. She was watching.
"Go home, Luma," she said as she stepped past us and up to Luma.
The black-haired catgirl couldn't utter a word to respond. Even I was shocked to hear that.
"If your oath to the Alexandria Family is that important to you. Go be someone else's guard knight. You can serve anyone else in our family and your oath is upheld. Go."
Sanae looked at her equally shocked as I was. "Are you serious?"
"Were you not, Fia? Don't toy with her feelings or your own. Eli? Do you have anything to say?"
I closed my eyes and hesitantly shook my head. "No."
"Why? I have to break my oath or leave? This is unfair! My Ki-"
"You aren't being fair to yourself," Elise said adamantly. "You won't let us help you, and being around us from here on is only going to cause you suffering. So go home."
Luma clutched her chest. I could barely watch as she cried. But this was best for her. She's been hurting herself more than even I realized.
"Make your choice!" Elise raised her voice. "Right now!"
"Please don't-"
"Take her back to reality." Elise turned away and started walking away back into the depths of the soul world. "I will hear no more of her-"
Everyone paused. Even Elise turned around and looked her in the eyes.
"You are more important."
"I, Luma Valentine," she looked up at the three of us, "hereby rescind the oath," chains of mana appeared around her body, "I swore to always protect..." Her tears were starting to make it difficult for her to speak, but she persevered. "The Alexandria family." The chains started breaking, one by one. "No more, shall I be oathbound to serve an Alexandria." The remaining chains fell to the ground around her. "Henceforth, I shall act of my own free will."
Revision: 2025-2-7