Richard Thompson

The number 18th rank hero and also the guildmaster of Twilight guild, the third ranked guild in the world.

Possessing long black hair, a perfect face coupled with a magnificent jawline, obsidian black eyes and a superb fashion sense. That was the man I had just met.

Was in his seat, thinking.

'He clearly showed some signs of abuse…that may lead to some issues but that can be fixed…'

Just a few minutes ago, he had met with the child currently number one in the world's search rankings. The child that was the most famous person alive right now.

And if he had to was quite a peculiar experience for him.

Well, aside from the sudden reaction, he had behaved just like a kid would…but something was telling him not everything was right.

"What am I even fretting over…"

He sighed and massaged his head, what did he need to worry about? Little did the kid know, the Contract would tell Richard whether if Alan had signed another contract before, and have clauses where finding out a spy was easy, furthermore, when Richard was helping Alan guide his mana…he had done his own bit of research into the boy's body. And after all that he had confirmed that the boy was genuine, and not a spy from the demons or rival guilds…

So he should rejoice that his guild has gained an important talent.

"Go make sure to protect the orphanage he is in, and also make sure news of his location doesn't get out…No matter what."

[Yes Sir.]

He contacted his team and ordered. 


[Black rock Orphanage, Alan Peccator POV.]

Twilight had dropped me off at the orphanage, and I arrived inside my room.

'Well, I have a guild now, and a pretty good one at that…I should prepare to leave this place.

I thought and started packing my belongings. I need to pack the little girl's as well.

Twilight was going to send a car over here tomorrow to pick me and my sister up and transport us to a building they owned which would have a sufficient security

We should barely have any belongings, so I should be done with this quickly.

After I was done with my own stuff…well which was taking whatever there was in my room that I deemed useful and wrapping it in a large piece of cloth(which was my bedsheet). I exited my room and went towards Samantha's room. I was surprised how I knew where it was but meh…

'Memories of the previous owner huh?'

Convenient I guess. I walked through the hallway and reached her room…I was just about to knock on her door when I heard the voice of a little girl, which wasn't Samantha.

"Awww, is this a picture of the cripple's mommy and daddy? What if I rip it?"

"Olivia... Please stop it..."

I abruptly stopped.

"Don't want to, I'm gonna rip it-?!"

I barged through the door. With my enhanced hearing, I heard everything clearly, and when I did I snapped…I do not know why but I just did. An immense amount of rage welled up inside me and I kicked the door open. The poor wooden door couldn't withstand the strength rank of E+.

I…wanted to kill her. I desperately wanted to tear apart the bitch that had said those words without any remorse.

I walked into the room and found three girls, who looked to be the same age as Samantha surrounding her. Currently they were all looking at the sudden intruder, which was me. Fear apparent on their faces. Samantha as well, had the same fear plastered on her face seeing 'her brother' so livid.

I walked up to the girl with a photo in her hand and I…I…

I grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up. With my strength it was quite an easy feat.

I wanted to kill her…to snap the twig she called a neck, And I was going too. My body was out of my control

"Al! Please stop!!"

But something brought it back.

That voice, that voice was the one that seemingly drove all the rage inside me away and brought rationality back to my mind. I was sane once again.

I released my hold, and the girl fell down to the ground, caressing her reddened neck.

"Hikkk... Hilke *Sniff*"

"Shut the fuck up."

I said to the girl who I nearly choked to death. Even though my body had stopped it seems the anger within me was still apparent…

She ran away, with her disgusting face filled with snot and tears…the other girls except Samantha followed. I looked at my sister.

"Samantha, tell me which stuff to pack."

Samantha did not respond, I repeated my words. This time with a little bit more force.

"Samantha, What stuff of yours do I have to pack?"

She finally responded, although she stuttered. I understood her clearly.

"Und-er the bed over th-here

Without replying, I walked over to the bed and looked underneath it, there I found a school bag that looked to be filled to the brim. I picked it up. Then I Held the handles of Samantha's wheelchair. I walked out of the room pushing Samantha into her wheelchair.

The other girls just looked at me. The one I had choked had apparently wet herself, Paying them no heed I entered my room.


"Yes? "

I replied, already knowing what she was going to ask. Of course she would question my idiotic actions…Fuck.

"Thank you."

However…it was something completely else.

I was confused, the question I had suspected had not even come up, But I did not say anything else. It was taking it my all to suppress my anger and not go ballistic. 

Closing the door to my room, I didn't face her and said.

"You can sleep here today. Sis."

There was no response. Looking over at her, I found out that she was already asleep. Seeing her I thought….Wow. She was fast asleep? Kids are weird.

I picked her up and put her on the bed, covering her up with a blanket and then…

I sat down on the floor, recalling the events that had happened as I clenched my fist.

I, A twenty-nine-year-old man who is now in the body of a fifteen-year-old boy…

Had Nearly choked a six-year-old girl to death. By no means was I a saint in my previous life but…but I also wasn't a deranged psychopath. What I did just there was not me…it was not me.

'Calm down…'

I calmed myself down by taking a few deep breaths and thought..

'I need to fix this body problem quickly.'

That should be my priority now.