{70}Sword Saint[4]

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A blue portal opened up in a luxurious room.

Alan Peccator stepped out of the portal and entered his room in Shield.

After He stepped out of the portal, He immediately went over to the humongous couch and slouched down on it.

The Blue Portal disappeared And Alan Rubbed his tired eyes.

He was about to fall asleep when he abruptly checked his phone to see the time.

[12:34 AM]

'...half an hour past midnight huh.'

I thought It would be incorrect to say I was not tired at all.

I was exhausted. Yet I still got up.

Even if I was exhausted I wasn't missing the chance to potentially meet the sword saint.

I would feel like shit if the one day I decided to take a break was the same day when the Sword Saint appeared.

So, Dragging my tired body, I opened up a portal to the training center and stepped inside.