[125]A broken Man.

A/N:Im going to be fixing a lot of the earlier chapters.

Thanks to a reader, many mistakes that are honestly terrible have been pointed out.

Gonna be fixing the prev chapters for a more comfortable read.

If I do make any minor or major mistakes, it would be appreciated if you pointed them out.



"I'm sorry."

I apologized to my little sister as she was hitting my head with her little fists.

I had just been scolded by my little sister.

I had been gone for far too long.

And now I'm begging for her forgiveness.


I heard his laughter.

Apparently, only I can see and hear him. Samantha showed no reaction to him at all.

And I showed no reaction to Samantha's fists.

My skin before becoming a dragon was strong as heck, now I think it can even break steel.


Yep, as I heard her Ow, from hitting my head with her little fists I confirmed that my skin is now hard as a rock.