[250] A Quarter done, of our and others stories.

Once upon a time, there were two young men in a small town named Aror. They were sworn, brothers. They went by the name of Micheal And Adam. They were rising stars, in their city.

They had grand ambitions and dreams, dreams to become the best hunters and prove their mettle in the world. They were hardworking and aspired to be at the top.

Adam was a hardworking individual, ready to do anything to achieve success, He was honest and an exceptional individual, Whilst Micheal was a little laidback, but an honest and caring individual.

They were friends but brothers born from different mothers, each carried a weakness that the strength of the other supplemented. They were unstoppable together.

Their aim was to be number one, and they knew that only one could be at the top.

So they made a promise.

"Micheal, When the time comes, Duel me fairly to decide."

Adam, a handsome individual with white hair and fierce eyes said as he bathed in the light of the sun.

"Sure Sure."