[287] Go, Oh Dragons.

Alan stopped outside Samantha's Hospital room. He felt conflicted and hesitant.

He worried about his sister the most. Although Twilight's main base was safe due to the large number of Artifacts activated here that repelled the chaotic energy...He was still worried.

He wanted to go in...But he felt afraid.

He could feel Emma using her Aura to treat his sister. And also his Grandmother inside the room. She had refused to leave after the Mall incident even though she herself needed medical care.

He worried for their safety...What if those Flesh Monstrosities attacked the base when almost everyone was out to attack? What then?

He didn't trust it. He raised his hand and touched the door. And then spread his mana around the entire ward. And then constructed a barrier of frost energy. The energy that would react violently when chaos energy or Beings with Malicious intent approached the ward. He put up several layers of barriers around Samantha's room.

'...Can I do it?'