[294] Pride of a Golden Lion!

Elijah wandered through the Golde Lion district, Fighting against the demonic humans who stopped his path.

[Supreme Dragon of Fire Agri tells you that something is odd.]

"I know."


Elijah answered Agri as he burnt a few more demonic humans to ash.

"Dead. They're all corpses."

Elijah knew it. he had felt weird the moment he fought the first demonic human.

Whatever he was fighting...were just corpses being moved by who knows what.

They didnt feel alive, there was no sensation of his sword slashing through live flesh. Through blood.


Elijah wondered why?

Why is this happening?

Why did you sell your bodies to a demon?


Just why? Have you not heard of the warnings, of the various news that tells you that signing a contract with a demon is suicide?


Elijah was left speechless. He wondered what would have forced them to do this. What would have forced the Guildmasters, their leaders to commit such an act?

He was too naive, too innocent.