[349] Our battle will be legendary!

"Ladies and Gentlemen…"

The suspense was created for the unknowing…While the ones who knew the identity of the figure that had appeared were all shocked to their core.

Alan's jaw fell to the ground, Richard opened his eyes wide and so did the Elders.


Hugo Wellington roared. Wellington's room was also chaotic. Only James and Sabrina were calm. Sabrina wasn't aware of the identity of the Old man whilst Jame's nature was calm and collected.

"...So he was alive eh?"

Ragnar commented from his throne, which oversaw the entire Colosseum.

"I present to you!"

Lucas dropped his wine glass, His face full of shock His father and the other members of the Hiddleston family paid attention to him.

"The one and only!"

Harrison's voice echoed throughout the Colosseum…as the entire world's attention was focused on the man that entered the Colosseum.

"Sword Saint Arken! The Demon Slayer!"