[456] Sweet, Sweet Revenge.

[Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you the final fight of the District Semi-Finals!]

The host announced, as he was stationed in a strange platform made of what appeared to be gold. It wasn't Harrison this time, but rather someone else who we won't ever know the name of because he doesn't really matter.

[Now, I know all of you are probably exhausted, some may still have the sight of Elijah stuck in their minds, But I beg of you to let that all vacate your mind!]

His voice reached even towards the outside the small stadium dedicated for this districts matches. There weren't a lot of people who had paid for this match. It was to be expected to be honest, Alan and Elijah's duel had come just before this match, some strong willed viewers had made it here, whilst most went to take a rest.

Also, a point to be noted would be that most of the people here were those who fawned over Sabrina's and George's looks. Fan clubs, to be more precise.