[519] Waste?

"How did you feel about wasting the Panacea Phial on a single person instead of using it to cure thousands of others affected by curses?"

Alan didn't answer that question as easily as he did the others. In fact, he was completely silent. Twilights officials had recognized that the question was nowhere on the list of questions agreed upon by them. 

The interviewer, looked at Alan with a sweet smile, fully aware of the uproar that her words were going to cause.

Maxwell looked at her with a glare, and she simply smiled at him.

The one who was asked, Alan, was silent.

His focus was not on the restless looks on the faces of the others in the room, the smirks from a certain group of people, the interviewers sweet smile and innocent eyes, Maxwells glare, and the curses he could hear with his enhanced hearing.

 Not even on the majority of the question, but on a singular word from it.
