[580] Ah, Of course.

I met up with Elaine in the cafeteria, She was sitting along with Sabrina, and as much as I would have preferred to keep her out of this, Elaine didn't budge from her spot, clinging to Sabrina.

She looked at me, or should I say glared at me?

Amused, I thought.

'So she is in on this...'

[Supreme Dragon of Frost, Lanesha advises you not to jump to conclusions.]

'Yeah, yeah, I know.'

I shrugged off Lanesha's advice, and sat down next to Sabrina, and opposite to Elaine. The constant looks she has been giving me were noticed by Sabrina long ago, therefore she asked me through the astral bond.

[Is there something I don't know about going on?]


I answered with a jovial attitude, I looked Elaine dead in the eyes, and rested my chin on the back of my hands and asked.

"So, would you mind giving an explanation?"