[594] House of Shivalkulan.

In her hand this time was not a drop of ichor(?) as black as the night sky, and as terrifying as it... But rather a blue drop of water?

No, it was still Ichor, but the drop resembled water more, provided that there was no golden shine within it as well.

The drop of Ichor also had an effect on the surroundings, albeit much less than the effect of Ariel's. Instead of discoloring the surroundings and bringing an insane pressure...it was serene, and cold.

The temperature dropped immensely, and a normal being would have died already, but due to Alan being almost immune to the cold...he actually found it to be very nice.

It was like he was in the middle of summer, his body drenched in sweat, and suddenly entered a room where the air conditioner was at full blast. It was very nice, to be honest. He didn't have to even use Dragon eyes to know whose blood it was.


He muttered, Lanesha, obviously heard him and said.